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Ever (Everett)

Seeing someone after so many years is like meeting them for the first time but also like seeing them like it is any other day. When I first say Bryson after all this time my wolf was leaping, my heart was leaping. I know he was different from the Bryson I saw in my dreams but it did not matter, he was still my Bryson, my mate.

"Everett?" I heard Bryson ask. I knew he wasn't sure if it was me and he needed to know, needed to know if his mate was alive.

"Yes, Bryson. I'm so sorry," I say, walking over to him.

"Oh my mate, my Everett," he says. His arms wrapped around me and he dug his face into my shoulder.

"Bry bry," I whimpered and dug my head into his chest, starting to cry.

Bryson cried into my shoulder. I knew that are minds were buzzing with no thought, with millions of thoughts. My wolf was howling in joy and yipping mate over and over again. The only feelings I felt were joy, love, and happiness. I was finally home and able to have a happy life with my family and my mate.

I felt a hand reach up and caress my cheek and wiping my tears away. I look up and stare into Bryson's eyes. His eyes held so many emotions; love, joy, anger, and so many more. Why was he feeling these emotions? A growl escaped his lips, his eyes were black. I reached up and touched his cheek, trying to see if it would calm him.

"What's wrong?" I ask, I can practically hear the concern in my voice, because I am concerned. I want to know what has made my mate upset.

"All these years you were at the Red Sun Pack and I never knew," he says, wrapping his arms around my hands and burying his nose in my hair.

"I remember whenever an Alpha came to the pack I would be kept in the basement until they left. You must have been one of the Alphas," I say, running a hand through his soft blonde and brown locks.

"I should have known that you were there. I'm so sorry," he whispers.

"It's okay. I'm here now and that is all that matters," I say, smiling at him.

"I will never forgive them," he says. Bryson pulls me onto his lap as he sits on the side of his bed.

"What happened to your hair and your eyes? I don't remember you having blonde and brown hair. Or green and blue eyes," I say looking into his eyes.

"When you disappeared, my wolf and I became depressed and my wolf resided to the back of my mind. When he resided my hair changed from blonde to blonde with random pieces of brown. My left eye turned to green also. I guess the shock of our mate being gone made my appearance change," Bryson says and runs a hand through his hair, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Well I like it," I say and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Everett I have something to give you," my mate says, setting me down on the edge of his bed and walking over to his desk and picking up a necklace. "I got this during my trip with my dad the day you disappeared, I was going to give it to you when I got back but that didn't happen."

Bryson slides the necklace on my neck and I gaze down at it. It is a wolf howling at the moon and is carved out of emerald I am guessing.

"It's beautiful," I say standing up to hug him.

"I'm never going to let you go again," Bryson says and wraps his arms around me again.

"I'm not going to stop you," I say, gazing into his beautiful eyes.

I continue to stare into his eyes and I know my eyes hold all the emotions that I am feeling. I have no worries, no sadness. I feel happiness because I am with my mate and love for my mate. Bryson's gaze travel to my lips and I feel my cheeks heat up. I want him to kiss me. I have for a while. I just want to be with my mate. He looks into my eyes once more, for reassurance and I know I hold no worries.

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now