Chapter 1

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This is a sexual type of story so please proceed with caution! There are also dramatic events and strong language being used, with that being said enjoy, I would also like to say thank you for the support and it means a lot to me!
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I also am sorry for any spelling errors

Also go check out my new story!
Assassin || Draco Malfoy

Thoughts about Draco Malfoy rush through my head almost everyday, sexual thoughts I might add. Quite embarrassing I know but can you blame me?

I sit next to him in nearly every class, it's terrifying if I'm being honest, I'm always scared I'll do something and he will hate me or think I'm an idiot which I am

I can't help but shoot a look at his hands, they would look amazing wrapped around my neck, and great here the thoughts come..

Wouldn't they though? I can picture it right now, laying on the bed having him hover over me, his body exposed and mine exposed both in sync and..

"Aurora? Can you answer my question please" Professor Snape says

"Oh uh.. what was the question" I say embarrassed

"I asked you what the spell what the counter spell for Lumos was" Professor Snape says

"Right.. well um it's.. uh.." I say stuttering

"Nox" Draco says whispering close to my ear

"Nox!" I say smiling

"Very good, although next time make sure your paying attention" Professor Snape says

Embarrassing completely embarrassing although when Draco whispered that close to my ear I got complete shivers down my spine, his voice is very attractive, is that odd?

"Your welcome by the way darling" Draco says

"Yeah, right thanks.." I say

Did he just say darling? I mean I'm aware he says darling a lot but it sounds so.. oh my god I need to calm down before I embarrass myself again

I turn my head a bit to the side and I look at him and he looks at me and smirks and I quickly look away

Nice going Aurora, god I hate myself sometimes..

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