Chapter 48

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*Smut warning- Spanking*

I flip myself over onto my stomach and I do as he said, lifting my ass up and I look to the side of me so I can see him a bit, he straddles himself onto my legs which is odd but I'm not complaining

He aggressively grabs the back of my hair and pulls me back a bit as he leans over me, this hurts my neck a bit but I'll have to get used to it

"What's your favorite number Aurora?" Draco says

What the fuck? Why is he asking for my favorite number for..? Is this some sort of counting game?

"Um.. why.. sir?" I say confused

He pulls back on my hair tighter, I feel like my hair is about to rip out of my head at this point but it also makes me feel aroused and pleased

"Answer my fucking question" Draco says

"15.. sir" I say quietly

"15 spankings, plus too more for snooping through my stuff, plus another four more for disobeying me, so in total.. 21 spankings for your behavior, understood?" Draco says

"Um.. y-yes sir" I say quietly

"Good, this is what you get for being a slutty little bitch, start counting" Draco says

Him calling me a slutty little bitch should've made me feel hurt but instead it made my pussy completely wet, I'm sure I'm dripping onto the bed by this point

He lets go of my head and it falls flat onto the pillow, he places his cold, large hand on my back and his other hand travels down to my left ass cheek, he caresses the skin a little bit before I feel a sharp stinging sensation followed by a loud SMACK against my skin

"One.." I say as I squeeze my eyes shut

"That's for snooping around in my stuff" Draco says harshly

Another burning sensation in the same exact spot but a bit harder, followed by another SMACK against my skin, tears begin to flood to my eyes as I hold them back

"Two.." I say

"That's for being slutty" Draco says harshly

A few more smacks against my once was soft skin that now feels like it will be bruised for days, I shouldn't be enjoying this but I can't lie, I love the feeling of his hands smacking me as he calls me harsh names, all I need now is him inside of me

"N-nineteen" I say as tears flood down my face

My hips fall and I end up laying flat on the mattress, He grabs onto my hips tightly and he lifts me up once again, another hard smack against my skin, my ass is for sure all bruised at this point

"Twenty!" I moan

"Are you enjoying this you filthy little slut?" Draco says

"Y-yes sir, please" I beg

Another harsh slap to my ass once again this time even harder then the last times, I end up moaning as his hand makes contact with my ass

"Don't you ever, fucking disobey me again do you understand me?" Draco says as he grabs onto my hair tightly pulling it back

"Y-yes sir I'm sorry sir" I say

He gets off of me and he walks away into the bathroom, I lay there in pain but a good pain in an odd way, he comes back over and places a cool rag onto my left ass cheek and he presses it softly, I flinch a bit and he sighs

"I'm sorry if I hurt you darling" Draco says

"It's okay, it's fine really it doesn't hurt" I say

"I'm pretty sure that's going to bruise over night" Draco says

He gets up again and I turn around a bit and I place my hand on my left ass cheek and it stings so I quickly pull my hand back, Draco walks over with a bottle of something and I lay back onto my stomach

He places something slimy onto my ass cheek and I am very confused as to what it is, it's cold yet comforting and it smells good actually

"Um.. what is that?" I say confused

"Aloe Vera, should help the pain a bit and the bruising" Draco says

"Oh.." I say

"Are you alright? Was that too much for you?" Draco says worried

"I'm fine! I enjoyed it, oddly" I say

"Next time don't disobey me please, I wouldn't have to punish you like this" Draco says

But I enjoyed him punishing me, it felt very good and it made me all fuzzy and very horny at the same time

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

No I wasn't

He turns me around slowly and grabs my clothes, he places my panties on and I lift my hips a bit so he can slide them on, he hands me the rest of my clothes and he helps me get changed into them

"Here are your pills, they will also help with the pain" Draco says getting up and grabbing me a pill bottle

I give him a smile and he hands me a water bottle and he looks at me concerned, I kinda feel bad for him a bit because he probably thinks he hurts me which he didn't

"You can stop looking upset, I already said I'm okay" I say handing the water bottle back to him

"I know I just feel bad love" Draco says

I grab his arm and I pull him down in front of me and I cup his face and I gently kiss his lips and he pulls me onto his lap, I slowly back away from the kiss and he places a small kiss on my forehead

"I should get going now, I have to set some things up, I'll come back to get you" Draco says

I give him a soft smile and I scoot off of him, he gets up and walks to the door and leaves and I turn around on my stomach again since it releases the pain a bit, I'll admit that was very thrilling and fun but now it just bloody hurts

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