Chapter 20

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I sit down on my bed and I lay back smacking a pillow over my head, how could you fall so easily for him Aurora? As I'm hating on myself there's a knock at the door

"I already told you to stay away from me draco" I say

"It's not Draco, it's Blaise can I come in?" Blaise says

"Oh, yeah sure" I say

He walks in and I sit up, he walks over to my bed and sets my books down, I look down at them and I reach for them

"You left those in class.. you okay?" Blaise says

"Hm? Yeah I'm fine and thanks" I say smiling up at him

"So what happened?" Blaise says worried

"Might wanna shut the door, and lock it because he'll end up barging in" I say chuckling

Blaise chuckles and gets up, he walks over to the door and he shuts it and locks it and he walks back over to me, I pat my bed and he sits down in front of me

"He's a slut, just like Pansy, no wonder why they like each other" I say rolling my eyes

"I wouldn't get too worked up about it, that's how he's always been, he's just that type of person and Pansy, well I never liked her she always gave me slutty vibes" Blaise says chuckling a bit

"Do I give u slutty vibes?!" I say worried

"No! No, you seem very kind actually, I just met you today and I said stuff about Draco that could've gotten me killed" Blaise says with a smirk on his face

"I think we could be good friends, you seem nice too" I say smiling

"I'm sorry about Draco though, I didn't realize what was happening and I should have stopped him before he hurt you like this" Blaise says

"Well it's sorta my fault for trusting him in the first place, I trust people easily and I probably should stop doing that if this is the outcome" I say as I let out a big sigh

"Did he hurt you physically at all?" Blaise says worried

"No, but earlier he came into my dorm and I threatened that I would scream and he left" I say smirking

Blaise lets out a small laugh and so do I, he takes a deep breath and sighs

"He's probably going to kill me now" Blaise says rolling his eyes

"He won't, he talks a big talk but he never can actually do anything" I say

"Well let's just hope that's true, I better get going though if you need me feel free to talk to me" Blaise says smiling

I smile back and Blaise gets up, I open my books as he walks to the door, I hear the door open and I look up and he's gone and I get up and lock the door again

I don't feel like going to anymore of my classes so I just decide to relax in my bed for a while, Pansy isn't back yet shocker probably fucking with Draco again

I hate these people at hogwarts and sometimes I even hate myself for being so fucking gullible all the damn time, I need to work on realizing things sooner

I wonder if there is a way I can speak to Professor Dumbledore about me having my own dorm, Draco has his own dorm so I should be able to have one too

I do NOT want to stay here with Pansy anymore, I'll end up killing her in her sleep or something, okay maybe that's a little far.. I can't help it I'm pissed off right now

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