Chapter 27

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"What exactly do I mean to you Malfoy? Am I just some play thing to you? How come as soon as Pansy left you suddenly found interest in me?" I say

"Your not a 'play thing' to me Aurora, and because.." Draco says looking away

I walk up to him and I grab his face and I turn it so he's looking at me, I look up at him and he sighs

"Because? Answer me" I say

"There's no point in answering, your not going to believe a damn word I'll say" Draco says

"Then show me" I say

"I can't" Draco says

I let go of his face and I roll my eyes and I begin to walk away, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back and he grabs my face and presses his lips onto mine as his eyes are tightly shut, My eyes are wide open and It takes me a minute but I tightly shut them and I press my lips back against his

I wrap my arms around his neck and I pull him in more, he lets go off the kiss looking at me and I begin to breathe heavily and I begin feeling nervous

He quickly slams his lips onto mine and now both our lips are moving in perfect sync, I feel his tongue slide against my lower lip so I part my lips allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth as mine does the same to his

He quickly stops before things escalate and he places his forehead against mine while his hands cup both sides of my face, he moves up towards my forehead and leaves a gentle kiss as I wrap my arms around his waist

"Because Aurora I'm fucking in love with you" Draco says quietly

My heart stops, I feel like I just had a heart attack when those words came out of his mouth, I don't know what I'm suppose to say or what I'm suppose to do, hell I don't even know what is happening now

"What..?" I say quietly

He places his hands around my waist pulling me into a warm hug as he places his head on top of mine, my hands are drops down to my side and I just stand there in shock

"I always have and I'm not sure why but I have, when Pansy left I finally had the chance to be with you, I didn't want her to ruin anything, I don't expect you understand but it's the truth"

He backs up away from me and I just look at him, I've never heard those words in my entire life especially coming from Draco Malfoy?

He looks at me and he lets out a sigh, I don't say anything or do anything I just look up at him in shock, he lets out a soft smile but I feel like he's upset that I didn't say anything

He leans down and gently kisses my lip, I don't kiss back though because I'm still in complete shock and I'm a little upset if he's lying to me

"I'll see you at the party" Draco says quietly

He backs up and I look away from him, he lets out another sigh but it was more quiet this time, I can tell he's upset.. he walks out of the bathroom door shutting it and I hear him leave my dorm, I quickly gulp and I close my eyes trying to breathe

I wasn't expecting that at all and it was a little scary, all of this makes me feel some type of way and I'm not sure if I'm in love with him? I just thought I liked him..? I don't know but I don't want to think about it and besides I have a party to get to

I lock my bathroom door and I turn around and I continue to brush and blow dry my hair, was Draco lying to me? Why did he say he loved me? What am I suppose to do or say now?

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