Chapter 69

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*yes I am aware it says 70 but the last chapter wasn't an actual chapter so this is chapter 69*


I smile up at Draco but my smile drops once the bus suddenly stops, not only does my smile drop but my heart as well. Draco quickly sits up and looks out the window, I do the same realizing this is our stop.

"Shelenna Avenue" The bus driver says

I quickly hop off of Draco's lap fixing my clothes and panic starts to arise in me, without thinking about Draco once again I storm off the bus and as I begin walking I feel a hand grab my arm harshly and spin me around as the bus drives off. I quickly spin around and I'm met with Draco's eyes and an annoyed look on his face

"I'm — I'm sorry I forgot.." I say quietly as I fiddle with my fingers

"You need to start using that brain of yours now Aurora.." Draco says letting out a sigh

Draco grabs onto my hand gently and intertwines his fingers with mine and we begin walking, I look around at the houses remembering how I used to play out here with my family and even my younger sister, she would watch and always attempt to cheer me on, but now this neighborhood looks beaten down and looks not how I quite remember it but I guess a lot has changed over the years

"The neighborhood looks terrible, it didn't look like this when I was little" I say quietly

"You think I care about how the neighborhood looks Aurora? I care about you and your safety more than anything else" Draco says

A smile creeps up on my face and my cheeks turn red from blushing, I spot a house at the end of the street.. mine to be exact and I felt my heart rate increase, I notice my fathers car isn't here so I let out a quiet sigh of relief

"He's not home, just my mom" I say

As I approach the door Draco grabs my waist and spins me around so my chest is pressed up against his and he looks down at me

"Nothings going to happen, I promise you I won't let anything or anyone ever hurt you alright? If being back here is too much for you then we will leave immediately, just tell me" Draco says pressing his forehead against mine

I wrap my hands around his waist and I embrace him in a hug as me places a kiss to the top of my head, I let go of the hug and I cup his face gently pressing a small kiss to his lips and I pull away smiling, I turn back around and I knock on the door a few times as Draco holds onto my free hand tightly

A few seconds later I become impatient as nobody answers the door, I look around trying to remember where they would usually put the key and a small giggle escapes my lips as I bend down and reach under the doormat, of course.

I hear a grunt come from Draco quietly and I realize I had just pressed my butt up against him and I quickly stand up and look at him

"It's fine" Draco says smirking

I turn back around and I unlock the door, I push it open and the house looks horrible, there are bills on the floor, glass shattered, paintings hanging off the wall, even the paint on the walls are torn off and my heart sinks. I step into the house looking around and Draco steps in behind me

"M—mom?" I say

"Yes I'm here" My mom says coming down the stairs

I cover my hand over my mouth as I see bruises along her neck, I notice she has a black eye along with bruises on her cheeks, she even has a large cut along the side of her leg and I look at the shattered glass on the floor and my mind goes to the worst

"Oh bloody hell" Draco says quietly

"Mom? you- your face? The.. the house?!" I say in shock

"I'm fine baby, I swear I'm alright" My mom says

I quickly let go of Draco's hand and I embrace my mom in a tight hug making sure not to hurt her, I felt tears drop onto my shirt and I notice she's crying and I begin crying as well

"What did he do to you mom?" I say quietly

"Oh baby.. A lot has happened since you left but I promise we are going to get out of this" My mom says rubbing my back

"I'm— why did you call the cops? Mom where is he?" I say pulling away from the hug

"He left, he wont be gone for long though so we need to get going I just need to grab my bag" My mom says

She hurry's up the stairs and I turn around wiping the tears off my face, Draco attempts to come up to me but I push him back not wanting any physical attention right now and he shakes his head understanding

I walk around the house kicking the shattered pieces of glass around, I walk into the kitchen noticing all different types of pills spread out along the counter. I walk over inspecting the bottles and I pick up a bottle and throw it across the room in anger, Draco walks in standing beside and I turn to him

"Fucking bullshit he is" I say

Draco wraps his arm around me and I attempt to completely shove it away but he holds onto me tightly, he brings me back into his chest resting his chin on my head and I squeeze him tightly as tears fall from my face

"He ruined everything, he's even trying to ruin himself" I say quietly

Draco takes a deep breath, I can tell he's trying to say something but he doesn't have the right words so instead he hugs me tighter

"Mom? Are you ready yet?" I say stepping away from Draco

"I'm missing my wallet, it has important things in there, I also need it to buy the hotel" My mom says coming down the stairs

"I'll take care of the hotel" Draco says

"Thank.. wait I never asked who this was Aurora?" My mom says confused

"This is Draco, he.. uh.. my boyfriend" I say smiling

"Boyfriend? Have you slept with him?" My mom says concerned in shock

"Oh many times" Draco says quietly just enough so I'm able to hear him

"Just.. find your wallet and lets go" I say shaking my head annoyed

My mom smiles and walks away, I turn around and shake my head at Draco and he chuckles, I tilt my head a bit to the side and I see a picture on the counter of my sister and I walk over to it placing my hand on the picture, Draco wraps his arms around me placing his head on my shoulder

"She seems very lovely" Draco says kissing my cheek

"Mhm, although sometimes she could be a real butthead" I say giggling a bit

Draco quickly removes his head from my chin and lets go of me, he walks over to the window lifting up the blinds

"Shit" Draco says

"What?" I say confused

"We've got company, tell your mom to forget about the damn wallet we're leaving, now" Draco says grabbing my hand tightly

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