Chapter 23

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I finish cleaning up his face, he then backs up and I slide off the counter and I turn around looking at my nose in the mirror, I sigh

"Hurt?" Blaise says worried

"Yeah, but it's alright" I say

"Well would you like a bandage on it or something?" Blaise says

"No it's alright, come on let's get going" I say

I turn back around to face him and he moves out of the way a bit, I walk past him as he follows

We walk out of his dorm and we make our way to find Professor Dumbledore, as we are walking I see Draco walking with a group of Slytherin boys

I quickly grab Blaises hand and I lead him in a different direction and we continue to walk a bit faster

I quickly let go off his hand and he lets out a small chuckle and I roll my eyes playfully

"Hands are cold" Blaise says

"Or maybe yours are just sweaty.." I say annoyed

We both let out a small laugh and we see Professor Dumbledore and we quickly walk up to him

"Professor Dumbledore?" I say

"Yes Aurora?" Professor Dumbledore says

"Uh.. well I was wondering if maybe you could give me my own dorm..?" I say

"And why should I do that?" Professor Dumbledore says

"Pansy has been pulling spells on me while I'm sleeping and I can't stay with her anymore, she tried to hex me once while I was taking a shower sir" I say

Was I lying? Yep

"Very well, I will make arrangements.. Blaise may I ask what has happened to your face?" Professor Dumbledore says

"Uh.. I messed up a spell" Blaise says

"Well that is very.. wonderful.. I best get going now, Aurora I will go make those dorm arrangements now and I will send a Professor to come get you and show you your new dorm" Professor Dumbledore says

I smile and nod, Professor Dumbledore begins walking away and Blaise looks at me and starts laughing

"What?!" I say

"Pansy.. puts.. spells on me..." Blaise says in a mocking tone

"Fuck off! I was trying to make it seem serious.." I say

"Oh yeah, very serious indeed" Blaise says

I roll my eyes playfully at him and he lightly shoves me and I smile, we then make our way to mine and pansy's dorm so I can grab my stuff

"So are you going to the Slytherin dance tonight?" Blaise says

"Oh bloody hell, I forgot that was tonight.. uh no" I say

"And why's that?" Blaise says

"I don't do that kinda stuff, besides I was suppose to go with Draco so.. yeah" I say

"Well then, go with me I'm fun" Blaise says

"If Draco sees me hanging around you, he will probably fight you again" I say

"Well this time I'll be more on top of things, besides we are going as friends whats wrong with that?" Blaise says

".. eh" I say

"Or.. you can be lame and skip out again" Blaise says shrugging

"I'm not.. lame!" I say shoving him lightly

"Well then, we are going!" Blaise says

"Fine" I say as I let out a small sigh

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