Chapter 12

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He stands up and begins to take off his belt, he then begins to unzip his pants and I didn't realize but I have been smiling and biting my lip this entire time

"Knock it off, Stop biting your lip or I'll bite it for you" Draco says

I wouldn't mind that but I don't feel like pissing him off more, he takes his pants off and throws them to the side, my eyes travel down his body

I can see how hard on he is through his boxers and I accidentally let out a small laugh and he looks at me and I look away quickly

Suddenly there's a knock at the door just as Draco's about to take off his boxers and I look at him and he sighs

"Aurora..? Hey open the door I need to grab my stuff! This isn't just your fucking dorm you bloody idiot!" Pansy says

"Um uh.. hold on! I'm getting changed?!" I say

"Whose that..?" Draco says quietly

"My roommate Pansy, hurry up and untie me!" I say quietly

"Aurora! Gods sake come on! Unlock this bloody door or I will!" Pansy says knocking harder on the door

Draco quickly unties me and he grabs my clothes and throws them at my face, he grabs his clothes and makes his way into the bathroom

"I was never here do you understand me?" Draco says quietly

"Yes now be quiet!" I say throwing my clothes back on

He closes the bathroom door and I throw my shirt on and my pants and I hop off the bed and I attempt to make the bed

"I'm waiting!" Pansy says yelling

"Sorry- sorry uh coming!" I say

I walk over to the door and I open it and I awkwardly smile, Pansy looks around and shoves me to the side and walks in

"What took you so bloody long? Having sex in here or something?" Pansy says

"I- what?! No! That's.. that's silly" I say scratching my head

She walks over towards her bed and grabs her books, I look at the floor and I see both mine and Draco's tie on the floor and my stomach does a flip..Please don't notice please don't notice

Pansy picks up her books and she drops one on the floor and picks it up and looks at the ties, for fucks sake

"Your so sloppy you couldn't even put your ties in the basket?" Pansy says picking stepping on the ties

"Oh- sorry I forgot.. I'll do that right now" I say shyly

"And spray some perfume in here, smells weird.." Pansy says walking towards the door

"Heh will do! See you later!" I say walking behind her

She turns back at me and rolls her eyes and gives me a disgusted look, I look away and she walks out the door, I shut the door and I walk over to the bathroom and Draco is sitting against the counter

"Okay she's gone, also you forgot your tie on the ground that could've been bad" I say laughing

"I didn't know Pansy was your roommate..? I didn't even know she was back" Draco says confused

"Oh, yeah well me and her don't get along..? Much, pretty sure she hates me for some reason, and she just got back today! I believe she was on vacation to the muggle world for a little while..?" I say confused

"I'm aware" Draco says

He has a worried look on his face and I walk over to him and stand in front of him, I cup his face and smile

He grabs my hands and places them down to my side and I look at him with a confused smile

"Um, sorry I probably shouldn't have done that" I say

"No, no you didn't do anything but I think I better get going, getting late" Draco says

Did I do something wrong by not telling him Pansy was my roommate? Was he embarrassed or something? I'm not sure but I can definitely tell somethings up

I smile and nod my head, he places his finger on my chin and lets out a small smirk, he raised his head a bit and places a small kiss on my forehead

"Night darling" Draco says as he moves to the side and begins walking away

I smile a bit and he walks out of the room and I hear the door shut and I walk out of the bathroom and I sit on my bed confused

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