Chapter 18

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Everything is starting to come together the more I think about it.. Pansy was gone and suddenly Draco found interest in me.. I'm a virgin whose never done ANYTHING in my life

Suddenly Draco wants to take me on, as soon as Pansy got back Draco has been acting shy and not like himself at all, whenever I bring up her name he tells me to stop talking?

Holy fucking shit, Pansy and Draco? That means I've been- I feel sick to my stomach right now, but why would he do that to her and me?

"Where is Draco?" I say to Blaise

"Um.. talking to a teacher.." Blaise says


"Where is he Blaise?" I say grabbing onto his shoulder harshly

"If I tell you he will kill me!" Blaise says

"Where. Is. He" I say

"I can't tell you, just stay out of it okay?" Blaise says

"Fine, I'll go find him my own damn self" I say

I get up out of my seat, I ask to use the bathroom and Blaise grabs onto my waist and I dig my nails into his hand and he lets go of me and I walk out of the classroom

Now I'm pissed off, I should have known something was odd when out of everyone in this fucking school Draco picked on me, I'm really praying that this is just a big mistake and there's nothing I should be worried about

But I need to see for myself, if him and Pansy both aren't in class then that means they are most likely together, I make my way around the school looking into classes, I then make my way to mine and pansies dorm, I twist the door handle and it's open

I prepare myself and I walk in and nobody's there, I sigh and I make my way to Draco's dorm, I don't hear anything so maybe that's a good sign?

I put my hand on the door handle very slowly and quietly, I try to twist it but it's locked, for fucks sake I feel like I'm about to start crying, I pull out my wand and I place it to the door handle

"Alohomora" I say quietly

The door pops open and I shove myself inside, my eyes open widely and I feel my stomach do a flip and I almost felt like throwing up

Disgusted I see Pansy in a straddled position on top of Draco, both are completely exposed to each other and Pansy turns around and looks at me and Draco shoves her over onto the other side of the bed

Tears flood to my eyes and I step back and I put my hand on the door handle, Pansy looks at me and rolls her eyes

"Jealous hm? Get over it and get out you pervert.." Pansy says

Draco reaches for his pants on the ground and I look at him in sadness and disgust, I open the door handle and I walk out of the room slamming the door

"Fuck fuck fuck, Aurora wait!" Draco says yelling

I let the tears fall from my eyes and I make my way to my dorm, I slam the door shut as hard as I can and I lock it

I collapse on the floor with my back against the door, I slam my head back against it a few times

Even though me and Draco aren't dating, being with someone else doesn't make it right, loosing my virginity to someone means a lot to me and I'm glad I didn't loose it to him

I don't like being used and I don't enjoy people lying right to my face, he could of told me before any of this happened that he was with someone because then nothing like this would have happened

I wouldn't have continued to develop feelings for him, when I was with him I felt like I was safe in some way and I thought we both were going somewhere with this, I'm the stupid one

"Aurora please open the door" Draco says knocking quietly

I remain silent

"Aurora, open the door" Draco says as his tone gets louder

Once again I remain silent, my nose begins running so I make a sniffle noise as I continue crying

"You don't have to explain, I don't care" I say quietly

"Just move out of the way please, let me in" Draco says

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