Chapter 25

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I turn my head to the side and I look at my clock, the Slytherin dance or party whatever the fuck they want to call it happens around.. 9 PM tonight and it's currently 6 PM so I have a while to get ready

I'm quite nervous but also quite thrilled! I have the perfect dress, it's sorta short though and Draco will despise me wearing it so that makes this dance even more thrilling

I can't wait to watch his face when he sees me walk into the common room wearing the dress, who knows I might tease him a bit just to get him all rattled up and mad

I walk over to my dresser and I grab the dress I'll be wearing and I pack it away along with some other clothes I have, I finally finish packing and just on time as there is a knock at the door, I walk over and open it and my face lights up when I see Professor Snape

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to hand this to you.." Professor Snape says as he hands me a note

"Thank you" I say smiling

Professor Snape turns around and walks away, I leave the door open as I grab my suit cases and I look down at the note reading where my new dorm is

As I turn around Pansy looks at me and I smile at her and she rolls her eyes and scoffs, I give her a small wink and I walk around her

"So long bitch!" I say

"Where the hell are you going!" Pansy says

"I've got my own dorm now, you'll have a different roommate from now on, adios" I say as I let out a small laugh

I slam her door shut and I hear her yell and I start laughing to myself, she's quite overdramatic.. I still wonder why Draco fucked her? Oh well, not my problem anymore

I make my way to my new dorm, I open the door and I walk in and shut the door and I jump on the bed and I sigh of relief, it feels nice having a room all to myself

Now I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and I won't have to worry about some bitch locking me out anymore or trying to hex me while I'm fucking sleeping..

I get off the bed and I begin to unpack my stuff, I try to make the dorm look more appealing so I place some small decorations around the room, I hang up some pictures as well and then I pull out my dress and lay it down flat on my bed

I grab my makeup bags and I place them in the bathroom, I place my hair dryer and curler on the counter and I walk over to the shower and I step in washing my hair and body, I can't wait to see how tonight will go

I might even fuck somebody for the hell of it or maybe I'll get drunk and then fuck somebody so it will be even more exiting for me, all I know is I plan on causing some trouble with Draco, paybacks a bitch

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