Chapter 61

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We make it to the Malfoy Manor and me and Draco stand outside, I can tell Draco is a bit nervous which leads me to also be a bit nervous, I've never met his parents but I've heard rumors about them, I'll admit this Manor is huge.. I'm not even sure how they find their way around in this massive place

Draco knocks on the door and lets out a sigh, I stand behind him as his mom opens the door and Draco clears his throat and I peek my head to the side a bit so I'm able to see her and she has an annoyed expression on her face looking at Draco

"Draco.." Mrs Malfoy says

Draco's dad appears behind his mom and I grip onto Draco's hand tighter, he looks intimidating that's for sure but his mom on the other hand looks like a sweet heart

"Being abusive towards girls now are we Draco?" Mrs Malfoy says

"It wasn't like that.. I was trying to protect her" Draco says moving to the side

His parents look at me and I felt my heart drop a bit and I clear my throat, I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say and I feel my face heat up

"Whose this?" Mr Malfoy says

"Aurora and she's staying with us till we are able to return to Hogwarts" Draco says

"Bold of you to give us orders Draco" Mr Malfoy says getting closer to Draco's face

"That's enough, I'm sorry dear it's a pleasure to meet you" Mrs Malfoy says smiling at me

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Malfoy" I say smiling

"Please, call me Narcissa. Draco will you show her to her room?" Narcissa says

Mr Malfoy looks at me as if he's disgusted with me being here and he lets out a scoff and walks away, Draco looks back at me and I give him a small smile and we walk in and Narcissa shuts the door behind us

"After you show her to her room may we have a word Draco?" Narcissa says

Draco nods his head and Narcissa walks away, Draco leads me around the house for a little while showing me everything and I look at him in awe

"This place is huge.." I say

"Y'know what else is huge?" Draco says smirking

"Don't even think about saying what I think your about to say" I say looking at him annoyed

"Fine, come on I'll show you your room.." Draco says

We walk around and soon we end up in this big guest bedroom, he opens the door and I walk in and it has a gloomy type of aesthetic to it, the whole house does but I don't mind I quite enjoy it actually, I set my bag down on the ground and I walk around the room looking at the picture frames on the counter

"So how many other girls have had this opportunity to be in this Manor?" I say sarcastically

"You'd be the first one actually" Draco says

"Seriously?" I say looking at him in shock

"Yeah, I told you I don't sleep around with people remember?" Draco says

"I know that I just figured y'know" I say

"Nope, your the first one quite a lucky girl you are" Draco says with a smirk on his face

"Mhm, though I don't believe your dad likes me that much" I say

"He doesn't like anyone, he's a dick, though it seems as if my mom likes you which is a good thing, you like her?" Draco says

"She's very sweet, I can tell your a mommy's boy" I say smirking

Draco playfully rolls his eyes at me, I walk over to my bag and I begin to unpack my clothes and as I bend over I feel Draco grab onto my hips and press himself up against me

"I could definitely fuck you right now" Draco says

"With the door opened and your parents listening? I don't think that's a smart move, not that I wouldn't enjoy it though" I say

Draco sighs and lets go of my hips and I get back up making sure to press my ass against his bulge and he lets out a small groan and I turn around and I let out a small giggle and he grabs my neck and I gasp

"Don't you dare fucking tease me in my home, remember whose in charge here" Draco says harshly

"Draco?" Narcissa says from downstairs

"When I come back I expect you to be on that bed completely naked and spread out, understood?" Draco says

I nod my head and he lets go off my neck and I could feel my arousal and I squeeze my legs and he smirks, I hate how he does this making me feel this way 24/7 but I can't lie, I always enjoy it

"Coming Mother" Draco says giving me a wink

He walks out closing the door behind him and let out a sigh of relief, part of me is excited but another part of me is worried that now his parents are in the fucking house, but luckily there are silencing spells..

I quickly unpack my clothes from my bag and I try my best to listen to them speaking downstairs but all I hear is Draco raising his voice at his dad and his mother raising her voice at the both of them and then I hear something smash onto the ground causing me to jump a bit I felt myself getting anxious and I could feel my heart beating faster

All of this noise reminds me of my household and I feel myself becoming overwhelmed with the amount of anxiety and fear and all of the thoughts about my mother and father come rushing to my head, I remember me being thrown into dressers and counters and my mom getting hurt as well

I felt like the room was closing in on me and the noise down stairs was starting to get quiet but I also started loosing my balance and I felt as if I was about to pass out, I end up falling onto the floor and the last thing I remember is seeing darkness and tears streaming down my face

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