Chapter 81

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*Draco's POV*

I'll admit that didn't go the way I thought it would go and part of me got a bit upset but I understood her reasoning and so I left. I left a bit early considering I didn't feel like continuing the conversation between us and also considering the fact I had to walk quite a bit

I check my watch, I still have around 20 minutes till the bus arrives so I walk at a normal-ish type speed, I'm in no rush to get to the Manor or Hogwarts especially without Aurora

As I approach the bus stop minutes later I can't help but smirk as I see Aurora laying down on the ground, I tilt my head to see she's breathing heavily and she looks like a complete mess, a cute mess

"You look like a mess darling" I say approaching her

She quietly stands up and looks at me in shock, I look around so see what the shock is and she smiles at me

"I thought you left? I thought I missed the bus?!" Aurora says

"Darling the bus doesn't come for another 10 minutes" I say letting out a small chuckle

"You've got to be fucking me, I just ran here!" Aurora says smacking her face with her hand

"So what changed your mind? About coming with me" I say as I reach for her waist and pull her into me

"Well, I remembered that I left some of my things at your Manor.." Aurora says letting out a small giggle

"Oh, I see" I say smirking to myself

"And also the fact that I knew you'd be a scaredy-cat without me being at Hogwarts with you.. so I decided. Sure I'll go keep him company" Aurora says playfully rolling her eyes

"Uh huh.." I say leaning down to look at her

"Your welcome by the way" Aurora says smiling

"Oh yes, thank you love" I say

She wraps her hands around my neck and I take that as a sign to lift her up so I do and I place her legs around my waist and she squeezes me tightly embracing me in a hug

"I trust my mother to tell me if she needs anything and I didn't want to leave you" Aurora says quietly

I place her back down on her feet and I tilt her chin up, I have to lean down a bit considering how short she is and I gently place my lips into hers, I pull back brushing her messy hair out of her face and she ends up blushing and pressing her head into my chest hiding herself

"You know that I'm going to have to punish you once we get back to the manor love, after your behavior this entire trip your in for it" I say

"I figured but can it wait till tomorrow I'm tired" Aurora says giggling into my chest

"Not a chance sweetheart" I say

Soon the bus arrives, Aurora grabs onto my hand and we walk inside the bus, we sit down in our usual spot, she rests her head on my shoulder and I kiss her nose and she smiles

"You always cause so much trouble for me" I say kissing her forehead

"I'm a bit of a troublemaker" Aurora says giggling

"I've noticed, I quite enjoy it" I say finally pressing a kiss to her soft lips

Hours later, by hours I mean hours. We finally show up at the Manor, I spoke to my parents letting them know everything that has happened while Aurora just kept hiding behind me in a shy way

We walk upstairs into my room and I place everything down on the ground and I point to the bed and Aurora pouts in a bratty way, I always hated whenever she would do that because it makes me feel bad but I know I shouldn't be feeling bad

"Can I make a deal with you?" I say

"Yes.." Aurora says

"Do you truly want to go to bed?" I say

"Yes I do, I'm very tired" Aurora says

"Alright then I won't make you do anything tonight but tomorrow.. We'll be going at it till I'm pleased or until that little safe word comes out of that pretty mouth of yours understood?" I say sitting down on the bed

"Yes daddy, thank you" Aurora says smiling

I give her a warning look and she clears her throat and heads into the bathroom getting changed for bed, I follow after her getting changed as well. I let her use one of my shirts and she just sleeps in my shirt and her underwear while I end up just sleeping in my black boxers

As soon as we get into my bed Aurora lays on top of me playing with my hair, her shirt rises up a bit on her thighs making a groan come from the back of my throat and she giggles again, she ends up rolling off me and instead she just turns so she's facing me

I grab her waist and press her into me a bit, not too much considering I'm on the verge of getting hard and she already explained that she's too tired to do anything so I'm not going to do anything

"I'm sorry about everything Draco" Aurora says giving me a sad look

"It's alright my love, don't have to be sorry. I'm thankful that you decided to come with me" I say kissing her cheek

"You think my father will get better?" Aurora says

"I believe so, I hope so anyways" I say

"I think mother is going to enjoy her alone time, maybe she might even meet a new guy or something!" Aurora says happily

"For someone who just said they were to tired, you sure seem very awake right now.." I say

"I am tired, but also happy at the same time" Aurora says kissing me quickly

"Even though you were a complete asshole to me, I love you very much darling" I say

"I love you too, and I'm not the one who had my wallet up my ass" Aurora says smirking

"Close your mouth and go to sleep before I take you right here right now" I say

"Grumpy butt" Aurora says

I give her a light smack across her ass and she gasps and looks at me in shock and I press my lips onto hers once more before she buries her head into my chest and drifts off to sleep

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