Chapter 36

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I open my eyes and look at him and he flicks his tongue over my slit and my back arches a bit and he lets out a small chuckle

"Such a pretty little cunt darling" Draco says

He flicks his tongue again and I let out a moan, he dips his head down and continues flicking his tongue over my slit and he moves hand up and starts to rub his thumb on my bundle of nerves and out of no where he plunges his tongue into my hole and I let out a scream

He moves his tongue in and out while also rubbing his thumb and the amount of pleasure beings building up to the point where I start shaking and I desperately need release, I don't know how much more I can handle it

"Draco please" I moan and beg

"Please what" Draco says flicking his tongue up again

"Please let me, fuck, please let me cum" I say as tears form in my eyes

"Go on love, let me taste you" Draco says

He plunges his tongue back into me and I can't take it anymore, my legs start shaking and I feel a wave of heat come crashing down on me and I find my release

He comes back up and licks his lips and he slams his lips onto mine slipping his tongue in my mouth and I can taste myself on him, he moves back to the position he was in and he slips off his boxers

He's hard as a rock and he strokes himself a few times in front of me and he reaches over onto the counter and grabs the condom packet

He rips it open with his mouth and he throws the packet on the floor as he slides the condom over himself, he brings my legs closer to him and I look at him and I start breathing heavily

"Ready?" Draco says

"Yes" I say quietly

I squeeze my eyes shut and I feel him grab my hand and intertwine his fingers with mine holding them up against my head, I feel him tease my entrance before I feel him place the tip in and I open my eyes and I throw my head back

He waits a few seconds before he thrust himself in a bit more and I begin to feel the pain that people have been talking about, I told his hand tighter as he moves in farther grabbing onto my waist

"Nearly there, doing alright?" Draco says worried

I nod my head quickly and he shoves himself all the way inside and I let out a loud moan and he lets out a low "fuck" I begin to tighten up around him

"I can't move if your squeezing me love just relax" Draco says

I try my best to relax and the pain begins to fade as he moves in and out slowly, I squeeze his hand tighter and he squeezes mine as he begins to pick up the pace a bit, I dig my nails into his hand

"Faster please" I quietly moan

He thrusts himself a bit faster and I feel my climax coming but I need more and I want more

"Faster draco" I moan a bit louder

He moves in and out faster than before, the feeling is over whelming and I can feel him deep inside of me his hips slam against mine as he goes a bit faster, I respond by slamming my hips against his at the same pace

"Your so fucking tight Aurora" Draco groans

"Faster" I moan louder

"Say it louder" Draco says

"Faster!" I moan louder than before

"Scream it Aurora, scream whose fucking this tight pussy of yours" Draco says

"FASTER DRACO" I  scream loudly

He moves faster and faster and I grab onto his hair tightly as he moves in and out, I feel myself begin to shake as tears fall from my eyes and I squeeze them tightly shut

"Look at me while I'm fucking this tight little pussy of yours Aurora" Draco says

I open my eyes and I look at him and he throws his head back and groans and quickly throws his head forward making direct eye contact with me

"I'm going- I'm going to" I say moaning

I feel myself spazzing out on his dick and I let out a loud moan as I throw my head back and I reach my second climax, he continues thrusting harder and faster inside me which makes my climax evolve into another, I've never felt this before and the feeling is amazing

Once I finish he pulls out of me and the warm feeling I had of him inside me is gone which makes me a bit upset, he grabs onto my hips tightly

"On your stomach, hands and knees, ass up we aren't done yet" Draco says

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