Chapter 42

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We arrive at Hogsmeade and walk around for a bit, we walk into The Three Broomsticks and he pulls out a chair for me and I sit down and he then walks around the table and sits down in front of me as I look around

"I like it here but uh.. what exactly are we doing here?" I say confused

"Well since I don't know much about you and you don't really know that much about me, I figured we could get to know each other better and I want butter beer so, here we are" Draco says

I look at him and smile and he raises his eye brows up and down quickly and then a waiter comes over to our table, the waiter is a bit shorter then Draco, still taller then me of course

He has a tattoo on his wrist that appears to be some type of symbol and it has the words "le temps est tout ce que nous avons et n'avons pas" I'm unsure of what that means or even how to pronounce it so I look at Draco to see if he knows

"She's interested in your tattoo, correct me if I'm wrong but "le temps est tout ce que nous avons et n'avons pas" stands for 'Time is everything we have and don't have' correct?" Draco says

I didn't know Draco could speak French.. when he said that I had gotten major butterfly's in my stomach and I think I even blushed a bit

"Correct Sir, what would you guys like to have?" The waiter says

"We'll take two butter beers" Draco says looking at me

I nod and he smirks and looks back at the Waiter, the waiter nods and walks away and I scoot up from my chair and I look at Draco in shock

"You can speak FRENCH" I say gasping

"Calm down darling you look as if someone just died, yes I can speak some French but not a whole lot" Draco says

"Well, speak some to me" I say smiling

"Tu es belle chérie" Draco says

"Uh..." I say tilting my head to the side, lifting up my eyebrow a bit

"You are beautiful darling" Draco says in a soft tone of voice

"Oh, thank you" I say as I smile at him while blushing

The waiter comes back with our drinks and he sets them down and he looks at me as he sets the drink down and smirks and I look at him for a quick second before Draco turns the vibrator up

I close my eyes and slam my fist on the table as I bite the inside of my lip to stop me from letting out a moan

"You alright miss?" The waiter says to me

"She's perfectly fine, Run along now" Draco says to the waiter

I open my eyes squinting them a bit as I clench my thighs together tightly, once again feeling my climax and I softly moan just enough so Draco can hear it and he turns the vibrator down

"Bloody hell what was that for!" I say

"He pissed me off a bit looking at you like that" Draco says

"You can't get jealous over people looking at me Draco" I say as I sigh

"Ta mienne et la mienne seulement chérie, which stands for your mine and mine only darling" Draco says

I playfully roll my eyes and I blush again, this is going to sound weird but every time he says something in French I feel all turned on and needy for him

"So, let's get to it shall we? You learn a bit about me, I learn a bit about you" Draco says sipping his drink

Me and him talk for a while, He opens up to me about his favorite things to do and I smile as I listen to him, I never really thought he'd be open about stuff like this towards anyone so I feel special in a type of way

I've never seen him really this happy either, I saw him smile a few times when he was talking about himself, When it was my turn he looked at me with, how do I put this? Loving eyes I guess? Like he was genuinely interested in what I had to say and he enjoyed it, that made me happy

"Ready to go?" Draco says

"Yes" I say smiling

"Sir" Draco says

"Sorry, yes sir, I forgot we were doing that still" I say

He chuckles and he gets out of his seat, I get out of mine but as I get out of mine my skirt goes up and Draco looks at me with lustful eyes

"Damn it Aurora" Draco says quietly

"Sorry it's not my fault it got stuck" I say quietly

"We're going back to my dorm this time, lets go now" Draco says in a demanding way pulling my arm

What's up with him, did my skirt going up get him riled up or something? Well now I know that stuff gets him excited, that's a good thing to keep in mind now I know how to tease him when he least expects it

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