Chapter 41

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I get off the bed as Draco lays down with his arm behind his head and his other hand on his lap holding the remote to the toy and he chuckles as I wobble to the other side of my bed so I can pick up my clothes

I have to clench my thighs together so the toy doesn't end up slipping out even though I sorta would like for it too but it also feels good at the same time in an odd way

"Your walking like a penguin, quite hilarious love" Draco says

"Shut your mouth" I say

"Excuse me?" Draco says as he turns up the vibrations to the toy

"I- fuck I meant- please be quiet" I say

"Quit the attitude I don't appreciate it and I'm not in a good mood right now so I wouldn't push it" Draco says

"Sorry" I say quietly

"Sir" Draco says

"Sorry sir" I say correcting myself

"Good girl, I enjoy you referring to me as Sir, continue doing it" Draco says in a flirtatious tone

He turns the toy down and I sigh of relief and I grab my clothes and I put them slowly as my legs begin to ache all over again and I'm still sexually frustrated, every time he turns the toy up I feel my climax and I'm so fucking close but then he turns it back down and the feeling fades

I thought by punishment he would end up fucking me rougher, I wasn't expecting to get teased all day not that I don't enjoy this because I do, I enjoy him being in control and calling me names it makes me feel all flustered and very aroused

As I place my shirt on he sits up and grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap, he places his hands on both sides of my face and I look at him confused

"I'm sorry for calling you a whore, I didn't mean it and when I say those things I genuinely don't mean it" Draco says

"It's perfectly fine, I enjoy it and it is true I am your whore sir" I say smirking

He gently kisses my lips and he lets go of me and I stand back up and I put my pants on and he gets off the bed and I grab my wand and I strap it under my skirt and I pull my skirt down a bit

"So that's where you keep your wand?" Draco says smirking

"Mhm" I say smiling

"Cute" Draco says winking

I let out a giggle and he holds his hand out, I grab it and we intertwine our fingers together, he walks over to the bed and grabs the remote to the toy and places it in his suit pocket

"If your a good girl for me while we are out I might consider letting you release, but your not aloud to release on that pathetic little toy. The only thing I'll allow you to release on is my cock" Draco says

I look up at him with wide eyes and he winks and I end up blushing a bit, we then walk out the door and we head to Hogsmeade as we are walking he looks over at me and he reaches in his pocket and turns up the vibrations and I stop walking clenching my thighs together

"Everything alright love?" Draco says

"Holy— fuck" I say as I bite down hard on my lip

"Language darling" Draco says

"Turn— fuck— it down sir" I say grabbing onto his arm tightly

"Use your manners love" Draco says chuckling

"Please— fuck— please turn it down sir" I say digging my nails into his arm

"Can't take it love?" Draco says

I bury my head into his shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him, I feel my climax being so close and my legs start shaking but I hold it in remembering what he said

He turns it back down and I sigh of frustration again and I look up at him in anger and gives me a evil little smirk

"I thought you meant by punishment you were going to fuck me harder not.. this sir" I say annoyed

"Trust me, I'd love to go all out on and fuck you until you pass out but your no way near ready for that, you can barely stop yourself from releasing, this is teaching you how while also punishing you for disobeying me earlier, now come on let's go" Draco says

I let go of his arm and I back up a bit and he gently kisses my cheek and we continue to make our way to Hogsmeade, I hate being teased, I feel like teasing him and showing him how much being sexually frustrated fucking sucks

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