Chapter 34

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I wake up to my head still feeling a bit fuzzy from last night, I remember everything that happened including me telling him I loved him and the more I think about it the more I accept the feeling that I do

I rub my eyes and yawn and I realize I'm laying down on my stomach and I sit up quickly and notice Draco is gone, I sigh and realize that maybe me telling him I love him probably scared him because he thought I didn't and to be honest even I thought I didn't love him

Some reason last night made me feel a different way and I've never seen him that protective and worried and even trying to help me out and comfort me, and as dumb as this sounds I felt safe around him

I look over at my clock and I realize I don't have any classes today so I can just lay in bed all day if I feel like it, but me being me I decide to get up and I walk into my bathroom and I wash my face, brush my teeth and I comb through my hair

And now I can finally go back to sleep, I walk over to my bed and I lay down and I let out a sigh of relief and as I close my eyes the door opens and I sit up quickly in panic and Draco walks in holding a plate of food

"You scared the hell out of me Malfoy!" I say

He chuckles and shuts the door and walks over to me sitting in front of me, he hands me the plate of food and I look at him confused

"Are you going to take it or do you just plan on looking at it all day? My hands hurting here" Draco says

"Wait this is for me? I thought you left..?" I say

"Well yeah, left to go get you food, you didn't eat last night so I went and got you breakfast now take the bloody thing before it drops" Draco says

I smile and grab the plate, there is a lot of food on here and I look at him and he looks at me confused

"I can't eat all of this, there's too much here" I say

"How am I suppose to know what you like? You never told me so I just grabbed anything I could find, if you don't finish it I will" Draco says smirking

I push some of the food aside and he looks at me like I'm a fucking child and I shrug and he rolls his eyes and he lays down beside me as I'm sitting up eating

"Did you mean it?" Draco says looking at me

"Mean what?" I say confused

"Last night, before we went to bed, you said you loved me too? Was that a joke or something or the drunk you talking..?" Draco says

I place the food down on the counter and he looks at me confused, I scoot over to him and I swing my leg over his waist and I straddle him as I place my hands on his chest, he runs his hands up and down my thighs gently and I sigh

"Yes I did mean it, no it wasn't the drunk me talking and no it wasn't a joke but I want to know if you actually meant it" I say

"What the hell do you mean if I meant it? Of course I fucking meant it" Draco says

"Ok then, what happens next?" I say

"Well depends on what you want to happen" Draco says

"Well I'd like to be in a relationship with you" I say smiling

"I'd like that too but I'm not asking you now, this is a very shitty way of doing that, you deserve something more special so what about tonight you meet me at the Astronomy tower hm? But in the mean time I can do other special things with your permission" Draco says smirking

I know where this is going and I'm very thrilled and also a bit scared but very thrilled, I think he can tell I'm scared and he looks at me worried

Authors note:
The next chapter and a few more chapters
Will be very sexual! I will place a warning
Before hand but I am just warning
You now there will be extreme
Spicy interactions ;)
Thank you for all of the support!!

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