Chapter 76

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The next morning.. well afternoon.. I woke up a bit exhausted, I shuffled around in the bed and I went to reach my arm out to wrap it around Draco's waist but all I felt was the empty side of the bed

Confused I lifted my head up realizing he wasn't there, I rub my eyes a bit yawning and I look around the hotel room and he isn't here at all, I look over at the counter realizing my dads phone is missing and I quickly get up searching around for it

I look through the drawers, the ground, cabinets and it's still no where to be found.. did I leave it on the bus or something..? Confused as I am I decide to get ready for the day so I grab my clothes and I walk into the bathroom, I brush my teeth along with washing my face, as I look up at the mirror I can see purple little marks along my collarbone and neck and I roll my eyes

I was wanting to wear my hair up in a bun today but it looks like that isn't going to work so I brush out my hair and let it fall down my shoulders covering my neck, I walk out of the bathroom and I walk over to Draco's bag opening it and grabbing a black hoodie out of it

As I zip up the bag I feel hands grab my waist and a body push up against me and I jump completely started, I let out a small scream and I turn around and Draco starts laughing

"Oh yeah, laugh it off Malfoy" I say rolling my eyes

"you should see your face right now darling" Draco says as he continues to laugh

"You scared the hell out of me! Where were you?" I say shoving him annoyed

"Woke up around 9 to your mother knocking on the door, she wanted to get breakfast with us but you were sleeping so I went with her, then I rented a car" Draco says

"What? A car? Why?" I say throwing on his hoodie

"Well, I figured I'd look at some houses with your mother and buy her one and also loan her some money" Draco says shrugging

"I— Draco you cant do that" I say letting out a sigh

"Funny, seems like your trying to tell me what to do with my money sweetheart" Draco says smirking

"Do you know how much a house costs in the muggle world Draco? It's not cheap" I say letting out a nervous laugh

"Read my lips. I. Am. Buying. A. House.. For. Your. Mother. End of discussion" Draco says

"But— "

My sentence gets caught off when Draco grabs my waist and presses his lips onto mine softly, I reach my arms around his neck gently tugging at his hair, this kiss didn't feel like a sexual or needy type of kiss, it just felt like a passionate loving type of one, a safe one if that makes sense? After a while Draco pulls back and I smile at him and he taps me on my butt

"Shoes on, we're leaving" Draco says stepping back a bit

I quickly grab my shoes, sitting down on the bed I put them on and once I'm finished I stand up and Draco grabs my hand and pulls me closer to his chest

"I see you stole my hoodie darling, looks adorable on you" Draco says

"Thank you" I say smiling

"So adorable I might fuck you later in it.." Draco says winking

"I still don't think it's normal for a teenager to be this horny, you might need to see a doctor" I say giggling

Draco lets out a small chuckle and he grabs onto my hand intertwining his cold fingers with mine, a shiver runs down my spine and I smile to myself as we walk out of the door, as we are walking to my moms hotel room I begin to think about the missing phone

"I have a question?" I say

"Mhm?" Draco says looking at me

"Did you happen to take.. uhm.. my dads phone this morning..?" I say

"Yes" Draco says

"Ye-yes? Why?" I say confused

"Don't worry about it" Draco says

I stop walking and I tug him back and he sighs and stands in front of me and I shake my head no

"What are you doing with it Draco" I say getting annoyed

"I said, don't worry about it everything's being handled" Draco says

"Being handled? What's being handled?" I say worried

"For fucks sake Aurora, drop it already or you can stay in the damn hotel room I'm not going to have you acting like this all day" Draco says raising his voice

I never really enjoyed when people would raise their voice at me, I'll admit I'm very sensitive and that's because my father has always yelled at me and I can't handle males yelling or raising their voice at me either

I don't like people hiding things from me either, especially when it comes to my family and even though he's trying to help I don't like this

"Can you just tell me please.." I say quietly

"Bloody hell, can you just shut your fucking mouth already?!" Draco says now yelling at me

I quickly close my mouth looking down at my shoes and he tugs at my hand dragging me down the hall, I bite down on my lip as I feel my cheeks heat up and I felt like I was about to cry but I stopped myself

Draco doesn't say anything else to me and I don't say anything either, as we are walking I quickly wipe my eyes as we approach my mothers hotel room and I clear my throat and Draco knocks, my mother opens the door and I look up smiling happily at her

"Hi baby!" My mother says smiling at me

"Hi, are you- uhm- ready?" I say smiling

"Yes" My mother says

"Good, let's get going" Draco says smiling at my mother

I let go of Draco's hand and he looks at me confused and irritated and I walk closely next to my mother as Draco ends up leading us outside

The car he rented is a black truck that's been lifted up, it's a very nice type of truck if I'm being honest

Draco opens the front door for my mother and she sits in the passenger seat, I decide to sit in the back because I didn't feel like sitting next to Draco, I open the back door and I hop in and as I'm about to close the door Draco holds it

"Excuse me, I need to shut the door.." I say annoyed

"What's the matter with you right now?" Draco says quietly as he places his hand on my thigh

I pick up his hand and I move it away from me and he sighs and shuts the door and I curl myself up next to the window as he starts the engine, I can see out of the corner of my eye he's looking at me but I don't bother looking at him

"Aurora you okay? You seem very quite" My mother says turning around and looking at me

"I'm just exhausted" I say smiling

"Take a nap baby" My mother says smiling

Draco starts the engine and we begin driving off, my mother reaches over to the radio and plays some music as Draco and her begin talking about houses and I end up looking at all the cars driving by

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