Chapter 58

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I thought about following him but then again he would probably be angry with me so I walked back to his dorm, As I was walking the thought of him and Pansy crossed my mind

What if he was lying about seeing the headmaster..? What if he was going to go see Pansy or something like that? I quickly stop thinking about it because it makes me feel guilty that I doubt him sometimes

I walked into his dorm and I sit down at his desk and decided that I should be getting some work done for Charms class considering right now I'm skipping it but I don't really mind that much considering I dislike that class

I take off my robe and I place it on the bed and I begin working, minutes roll by and Draco still hasn't arrived yet which makes me a bit worried but I know whatever he got himself into he's able to get himself out.. hopefully

As I'm witting down notes the door opens and I quickly turn my head and Draco walks in and he has an angry expression on his face, he slams the door and I jump a bit and he walks over towards me and sits down on the bed with his hands running through his hair, nothing has been said yet and Draco lays back onto the bed while his feet are on the pressed onto the floor then he quickly sits up

"Come here" Draco says patting his lap

I get up and I walk over to him and I stand in between his legs and I place my hands on his shoulders as I sit down on his lap placing both my legs on either side of him in a straddling position, he places his cold hands onto my thighs and he squeezes them and rubs them slowly up and down, I reach my hand behind his head and I begin playing around with his hair waiting for him to speak and he finally does

"Don't get mad" Draco says looking down at my thighs

"I won't, what happened?" I say

Please don't tell me he did something with Pansy

"So.. I sorta have to leave Hogwarts today..?" Draco says

"Wait excuse me" I say

"Pansy ran her little slutty mouth to the headmaster and Professor Snape saying I 'abused' her which I didn't, I explained why I laid a hand on her but they said that that wasn't acceptable considering I could've used the disarming spell" Draco says looking back up at me

"Wait so your not aloud to come back?!" I say

"Of course I'm aloud to come back.. just not for a week or something" Draco says

I'm not even quite sure what I'm suppose to say right now, how am I suppose to go a whole week without seeing him or being around him?

"Bloody hell Draco" I say as I let out a sigh of frustration

"I kinda have to leave.. now" Draco says quietly

"I'll go speak to the headmaster and Professor Snape" I say

"There's no point, Pansy has the marks on her neck and they could care less if you've got anything to say about it love trust me, this schools just bullshit" Draco says

"What am I suppose to do now?" I say quietly

"Stay here, you can't just leave Hogwarts and come with me love, you need to continue doing your study's" Draco says

An idea popped into my head, I could care less about my grades and study's right now, If Draco is getting suspended then I might as well get suspended too, I was there when Draco did that to Pansy so I might as well say I had something to do with it

There's no way I'm going to stay in this school without him being there, god knows I'll get harassed by other boys and even Pansy will harass and bully me

"I'll be back" I say smirking

"Where the hell are you going?" Draco says confused

"Don't go yet, just stay here and you wait for me" I say

I quickly kiss his lips and I get off him and he quickly gets up, I open the door and he grabs my waist pushes me back against the door, one hand remains on my waist while the other is on the door keeping it shut, his whole body is pressed up against mine and he looks down at me

"Don't even think about it" Draco says

"Already thought about it" I say smirking

"As much as I'd love for you to come with me, your not the troublemaking type of person Aurora, if you say you had some part in this they will think of you as a whole different type of person" Draco says

"I could careless, and maybe I am a troublemaking type of person, besides you wouldn't want me to stay here with all these boys now would you" I say

"Well of course not but —" Draco says

"Alright then time for me to get suspended" I say smirking

I push Draco back a bit and I open the door and I quickly walk out and I hear him in the background let out a chuckle and I smile to myself, I make my way to Professor Snape's Classroom and as I walk in he looks at me and I cross my arms

"I'd like to speak to you and the headmaster" I say

"If this is about Mr. Malfoy the disciplinary has already been established" Professor Snape says

"I had a part in it too" I say quickly

"No, I'm afraid you didn't" Professor Snape says

"Yes, yes I did I was the one who told him to do that and I also was the one who — choked her as well — some of those hand marks are mine and I deserved to be disciplined as much as Draco does" I say

"If your not telling me the truth I suggest you leave because I will give you the same punishment as Mr. Malfoy.. suspension.. I wouldn't expect such little from you Aurora" Professor Snape says

"Well I'm not always a good student Professor Snape, I am telling you the truth so do what you must" I say

"This is disgusting behavior, you should know better Aurora, now you and Draco will both serve a week of suspension" Professor Snape says

"Fine by me, this place is a dump anyways" I say

"Grab your things, leave" Professor Snape says

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