Chapter 73

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Mommy Kink, Edging + other things!

I step into the shower tilting my head back and relaxing as the hot water drips onto me, I jump a bit once I hear Draco knocking harder on the door

"Open the door" Draco says

"I already said no, your going to have to wait" I say

I roll my eyes and I take a deep breath, I face the water ducking my head underneath and rinsing my face off, I nearly had a heart attack once I feel arms wrap around my waist and I let out a small scream and I turn around and Draco's smirking

"Are you fucking serious right now? I told you to wait and you couldn't even be a good boy and do that, get out of the shower" I say annoyed

Draco shakes his head and his eyes travel down to my breasts, he places his hands on them and I bite down on my lip as he steps closer to me, His clothes are still on now soaking wet from the shower and as he moves his hand up towards my neck I grab his hair and yank it backwards

"Ow, ow let go" Draco says groaning

I turn off the shower still holding onto his hair, I step out of the shower leading him like a lost puppy which I find hilarious, with my free hand I grab my towel and wrap it around me

Draco taps my hand and I smirk at him, I drag him into the bedroom and I push him onto the bed still holding onto his hair, I pull it tighter and a moan escapes from his lips and I smile

"I told you to wait after I was done with my shower, what do you have to say for yourself?" I say sitting down on his lap

"I-I'm sorry" Draco says

"So you disobeyed me, what happens when bad boys disobey?" I say smiling

He doesn't answer so I pull his hair back more and he squeezes his eyes shut and bites down on his lip a bit

"Answer Me" I say

"You finding this amusing Aurora?" Draco says

"Quite amusing actually, now answer my question" I say

"They— they get punished" Draco says quietly

"Good boy, see wasn't that hard now was it? I'm in charge tonight understood" I say

"Over my dead body—" Draco says

With my free hand I grab onto his throat squeezing it a bit and I tilt my head to the side smirking

"Sorry, I didn't quite get that. Repeat what you just said?" I say

"I— yes.. I said yes your in charge tonight, can you let go of my hair now?" Draco says

"Yes what?" I say

"Yes Aurora.." Draco says annoyed

"No, yes.. what?" I say

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