Chapter 79

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After a while of driving.. again.. we end up going to a somewhat fancy restaurant, what is up with this boy and fancy things? Does he not know how to just be normal?

We pull into a parking lot and Draco hops out opening my mothers door along with mine

"Always a gentleman huh?" My mother says

"He can be sometimes" I say smiling at my mother

Half of me wanted to say, "he's only acting like a gentleman in-front of you because your my mother and he wants to make a good impression, if it were just him and I here I'd be pinned up against the car" but I refrain myself from saying anything but I do enjoy pissing him off right now so I do say one thing

"He's a gentleman when he doesn't have his wallet up his ass" I say giggling

Draco grabs me by the arm, tightly but he makes it seem like he's just holding onto me in a romantic way when I know very well I'm in trouble now, as we walk into the restaurant Draco gets close to my ear

"Do you have some type of kink we need to discuss?" Draco says quietly

"No I just enjoy pissing you off because you can't do anything while my mother is here" I say turning around and facing him smiling

"Things start adding up to your punishment darling, I've been keeping track on every behavioral issue, keep it up and I'll add more to the list" Draco says smirking

He backs away from me as we sit down in our seats, we sit at a type of booth so my mother sits in front of us while I sit next to Draco. We order our food and as it's getting ready Draco begins speaking 

"So as your aware, or if your aware, We are suppose to head back to Hogwarts tomorrow" Draco says

My mother nods her head and as Draco is about to speak the brat in me speaks up

"I think you meant we were suppose to head back to Hogwarts tomorrow but we aren't" I say

"What are you talking about? Darling we have school to attend? Our suspension is up and we are free to head back tomorrow" Draco says turning to look at me

I was about to speak but the food has been delivered and set on our table, As we all grab our food I tap my fork on the table confused yet starting to get annoyed

"I'm not going back to Hogwarts, Mom I'm staying here with you" I say as I let out an annoyed laugh

"So your just going to have me go to Hogwarts? That what we're doing now?" Draco says getting annoyed

"You don't have to go to Hogwarts, you can stay with me and my mom?" I say matching his attitude

Draco lets out a laugh which isn't a funny laugh it comes off as a mean sarcastic one and he rolls his eyes at me, my mother clears her throat and looks at me

"Baby maybe you two should um.. work things out privately? If you'd like to speak about your father with me your more than welcome" My mother says

"So what's happening with dad? Since clearly Draco has it all handled" I say turning towards him

"I did have it handled" Draco says turning towards me

"Fighting like a married couple already.. great.. Aurora Draco did take care of everything-" My mother says

"I'm aware of that I just didn't realize that My father was apparently Draco's father as well, that's a little odd" I say

"Cut off the attitude and just listen, your father is getting medical help along with mental help. He's been placed in a facility that will help him get back to his normal state and after that.. he's going to be in jail for a few years.. Draco helped me work things out so he isn't aloud to come anywhere near me so I'll be safe" My mother says

"Nobody thought to tell me this earlier? Draco you practically yelled in my face telling me to shut my fucking mouth remember that?" I say turning towards him again

"I—I didn't say that, your just on a roll right now" Draco says shaking his head

"Well, some dinner this is" My mother says

"I'm happy that everything is settled with dad, mom and I'm even more happy that I will NOT be going back to Hogwarts tomorrow I will happily be staying with you" I say smiling

"Aurora.." My Mother says

"This is a joke" Draco says scoffing

"Aurora can you listen to me for a moment? I know you don't want to go back to Hogwarts and you want to stay with me, but baby you can't do that. As much as I want you to be with me you can't, you have school to finish and your nearly there! Besides what about all your friends and everything?"  My mother says

"I don't have friends in that place" I say

"Okay well you have Draco, that's good enough and you need to finish your work baby. You've come all this way just to leave?" My mother says

"I made the mistake of leaving last time and look where that got us, I shouldn't have left you with dad and yet I did and once I did you got abused and everything got so fucked up" I say

"That wasn't your fault, non of this is your fault at all.  Do you feel like it was? Is that why you don't want to go back to Hogwarts because your scared something might happen again?" My mother says

"I'm done talking, I'm not going and that's the end of it. If Draco wants to go, great at least he's actually liked in that fucking school so by all means go" I say rolling my eyes

"Bullshit" Draco says quietly

"Everything with your dad is over with now, I'm safe, he's safe? You don't have to worry about me you need to worry about school and besides, when I was your age I left and it was the biggest mistake I ever made" My mother says

"Might have been a mistake for you but sure doesn't sound like one to me, I like it here" I say

"I don't know what else to say to you that will make you feel better, if you truly want to stay with me that's your choice but I'm sure your boyfriend isn't going to appreciate you leaving him" My mother says

"Again" Draco says

And here I thought this would be a nice dinner, but of course it isn't and now I got a mother whose worried about me and a boyfriend whose clearly not only pissed off at me but now I can sense he's upset, it's not my intention to make him upset by leaving him all the time but I don't know what the hell I'm suppose to do

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