Chapter 30

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*continued Draco POV*

I need to control myself before I'm the one who starts begging her to fuck me, which I don't think would be terrible but I'm the dominant one always and besides I don't want to pressure her considering she's a virgin

I watch her start dancing and I feel myself smile and I quickly stop smiling, my soft side is showing and I don't like it, I watch Blaise walk away from her, is he a fucking moron? Just leaving her by herself?

As Blaise leaves I keep a close eye on her, I watch someone grab her hips and I feel like exploring with fucking anger, nobody is aloud to touch her besides me, I walk over to her quickly and she looks at me as I shove the guy holding her hips to the side

"Get your fucking hands off of her" I say

The guy backs up and walks away, Aurora looks at me and rolls her eyes, I just protected her and now she's having a fucking attitude with me?

"He wasn't doing anything we were just dancing" Aurora says

"He was grinding against you" I say

"Yeah, thats called dancing? Jealous Malfoy" Aurora says

Of course I'm fucking jealous she should be grinding against me not some random guy

"No, where's Blaise?" I say

"Grabbing drinks, your not very fun at parties are you?" Aurora says

"I'm very fun at parties" I say

She rolls her eyes and she walks in front of me, she presses her ass up against me and she throws her head back against my chest, she moves her hands behind my head moving them up into my hair and grabbing onto it

"What are you doing" I say confused

"Dancing what's it look like?" Aurora says

She's not dancing she's fucking teasing me by rubbing herself up against me and now grinding herself onto me, I'm quite enjoying this but this just makes me want to fuck her even harder

I grab onto her hips and I place my head by her shoulder as I move my hips with hers, now we both are basically grinding on each other in sync, there's so many things I could do to this girl right now

Feeling her ass rub up and down on my now throbbing cock is making this experience very very difficult for me, but I have to refrain from doing anything until she gives me permission

"You didn't say it back" I say trying to start a conversation

"Say what back?" Aurora says

"What I had said to you earlier?" I say

Aurora turns around now facing me as she stops dancing, I stop dancing and I rest my hands on her hips as she has her hands wrapped around my neck still pulling on my hair a bit

"Draco I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say right now or do right now.." Aurora says

"Do whatever feels right" I say

"But I don't know what feels right because I'm scared" Aurora says

"Of what? Of me?" I say

My heart drops, is she scared of me?

"Not of you, I'm just scared to let people in and I don't want you walking out on me" Aurora says

Why the hell would I walk out on her?

"Can we just not talk about this right now? I want to have fun and get drunk or something.. we can talk about this later" Aurora says with a smile across her face

Damn it I need to talk to her about this It's killing me, I give her a small smile and nod and she gently kisses my cheek, she missed my fucking lips

"You can stay with me and Blaise if you'd like" Aurora says

"Me and Blaise aren't really in a good place right now, I'll just watch you guys, you have fun okay darling?" I say

She looks a bit sad when I say that but it's true, I need to give her some space and more importantly after her grinding on me I definitely think it's better if I just watch her and relax a bit, shes one hell of a troublemaker that's for sure

I give her a quick peck on the lips and I see Blaise coming in our direction so I let go of Aurora's hips and I walk away

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