Chapter 29

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*Draco's POV*

Well that really did go as I expected, I sorta already had a feeling she didn't feel the same way about me which I mean fucking sucks but I'm not going to stop trying

I fucking hate Blaise and Pansy, can't stand them actually, always having to fuck things up for me because they are jealous or some shit, don't get me wrong Blaise is my best friend but sometimes really fucking hate him

Pansy on the other hand means absolutely nothing to me, when she came into my room and threw me on the bed I was terrified, like actually fucking terrified and I had no clue what the hell was going on and when she started getting unchanged It was fucking disgusting and slutty and I don't like slutty girls

That's why I fancy Aurora, she's pure and very fucking beautiful and I don't just love her for her body, I genuinely love her for who she is and I think I've always had a thing for her, many guys here at hogwarts do which really pisses me off knowing I have competition but I always win at this stuff

I make my way down the Slytherin Common room, of course everyone stands beside me as if I'm their fucking God or something which I sorta am, Normally at these party's I just stand beside the wall looking around and I drown my self in beer and alcohol

I remember one time I got so drunk I ended up grinding on one of the tables as everyone was watching me and cheering me on, it was a good time but then all of the girls started.. well throwing themselves at me and I was terrified

Don't get me wrong who doesn't love girls throwing themselves at you but I'm just not that type of person who enjoys hooking up with people and then leaving, I prefer to have something more loving? In a type of way or whatever

I look around for Aurora, I'm not sure what will happen next but I'll admit I'm a bit hurt and a little frustrated at her for not saying anything back but I don't blame her either, what she saw looked pretty bad even though it really wasn't my fault

I finally spot her and Blaise, my hands turn into fists and I grind on my teeth like I always do when I'm getting mad, I look at Aurora, she doesn't notice met yet which is a good thing considering I'm pretty sure 'little Draco' is making a scene in my pants right now

Her dress looks fucking sexy as hell, it hugs her curves very beautifully and don't even get me started on her breasts, I just want to fucking take her right here right now and stuff myself inside of her pulsing through her, watching her as she comes all over my cock

I want to watch her face as she feels me inside of her, I just fucking want her so damn bad right now I can't even control myself, I place my hands in my pants and I shift them around so my bulge doesn't show as much

Torture, this is fucking torture for me right now, you don't know how badly I just want her right now all laid out for me her pretty little naked self under me as I kiss every inch of her beautiful body, watching her squirm and beg me to ruin her and of course I'll give in and do it

I want to hear her scream out my name and scream out how good only I can make her feel, I want to claim what's mine while also making love to her, I keep my eyes on her at all times watching every move she makes not in a creepy way I'm just very over protective of her and I always will be even if she doesn't enjoy it I don't care, I'll protect whats mine at whatever fucking cost

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