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I'm sure my fellow followers heard about the way I'm updating back on the jshk marriage oneshots. Thanks for being so understanding. Because writing is supposed to be fun, I will take breaks whenever I feel like it lol-sometimes a few days to a week or more XD.
There's no schedule.

Anyway enjoy-I was able to post this because it only needed a bit of editing so you may get this early-I'm keeping you guys a little bit fed.
Natsuhiko:"Chibi, let me use the bathroom first."
He whisper shouts, jumping up and down.


Natsuhiko:"Seriously! I shouldn't have eaten that burrito."

I listen to the continuous noise of the clock before turning around in surrender.

Natsuhiko:"So understanding. Ack! It's coming down!"

Shutting the door behind me, I look left then right.

"If I remember correctly..."

If I remember correctly, another toilet is just a little bit away from here.

Walking swiftly, I eye the area out of interest.
I suppose now that I've had some sleep, I'm more alert about this place and I'll admit it's pretty nice.

I hum before I bump into someone, a small 'kyaa' echoing before they fall over.

I look down at the girl dusting off her skirt, a small tear in the corner of her eye.

My hand holds out but she stands up herself:
Green hair and green, almond eyes.

I think I saw her before in Tsukasa's class.
Her name was-?
Shimizu san? Shimizu Himari.

"I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry about that."

Himari:"Yugi Tsukasa kun, right?"
She tilts her head.

"Actually, I'm Amane. Yugi Amane. That's my brother."

Himari:"I'm Shimizu Himari but, wow, I didn't know he had a twin brother."
She replies sounding quite invested.

Is it really that surprising?

"Well I'll be on my way now."

Himari:"Wait! C-can I ask you... a favour?"
She tugs the back of my shirt.

"Favour? Uh, not to be rude or anything but it's 2am and I really, really need to use the bathroom."
I point, looking over my shoulder.

Himari:"It links to that! Actually, I was going to use the bathroom myself but, I'm kinda scared. You see, me and my friends were telling scary stories before bed-"


Himari:"One was about Hanako san of the girls toilets..."
She says fiddling with her hands.

"I'm not really following."

Himari:"And the girls toilets are kinda dark and empty. The light switch! I-It's flickering. So that's why I'm going to this one instead."

"That's unfortunate..."

Himari:"Can you wait outside for me?"


Himari:"Shh! Shh! Please?"
Her hands clap together and she lowers her head, essentially shivering out her shoes.
"I'll buy you  juice."

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