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Hope everyone enjoyed the wait even though it was only like under 2 weeks   long. Anyway enjoy and I hope y'all are doing good. Thanks for your support ( ͡ ᴗ ͡)

"Ita ta."
I squint before opening my eyes to a white ceiling above me.
What happened again? Oh right.

"Gosh my body hurts."


As my vision comes into focus, I see her with eyes filled to the brim.
"You're okay."

Mom:"Why would you run into the street like that?"
She asks tearfully as I try to sit up.
Eyeing my left and right leg that's in a cast, she hugs me gently.
My head feels tight having a bandage wrapped around it too. Was it really that bad?

"Where's Yashir-?"
I exhale out of relief, seeing her on the right of me. In her case, it's the very opposite that's broken. And It looks like she's just asleep.
Thank God.

Mom:"Do you know how worried I was?"

"I was...just."

Dad:"Is he up?"


Mom:"Why did you do it, honey?"

Dad:"Your mom and I were horrified to hear over the phone that you'd got injured Amane and, your brother wouldn't stop crying. He's still in the lobby all worked up."

"I'm sorry, okay? I just...you guys weren't answering your phones and I-"

Using my right hand, I rub my face that has turned hot, their faces softening.

"I got scared that you guys got into a car accident and mom wouldn't say anything over the line and-"
I sniffle again.
"I thought she got hurt or perhaps the both of you had."


"I was dumb and wanted to check on you in person. Now Yashiro is hurt too because of me and she probably hates me now...right?"

Mom:"That's not true at all and I know it. And, I'm sorry for making you misunderstand but you can't just drop everything for me, Amane. You're lucky, we're both lucky that it wasn't worse-that we could even talk to you right now."

"I know and I get that."

Dad:"And I know for a fact that Nene chan wouldn't hate you over this, maybe just talk to her about it when she's up, okay?"


But, I'll have to talk to him first by the looks of it.

I owe him an apology too.

Tsukasa:"And I thought you died and then I'd have to say that I had a twin brother instead of I have a twin brother and-"

"Sorry, Tsukasa."
But that should have been the least of your concerns.
Glancing to the side with an awkward smile, I ruffle his hair.

Tsukasa:"...But I really was worried. I really do love-"

"Stop right there."
I cover his mouth.
"You'll regret saying that later-it grosses us both out. Also I already know."

He nods.

Tsukasa:"Oh, It looks like Nene chan is waking up."
We both turn our head in sync.

"Ne Tsukasa, can I talk to her alone for a sec?"

Tsukasa:"To get all lovey dovey?"

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