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Your hair is like um emeralds
And your eyes are... also like emeralds.

I feel my face burn up before I scrunch up that same very piece of paper and chuck it (but I miss) sighing because I didn't realise how hard this would be.

It's normal for any teenage boy to fall in love right?
And I just happened to fall for Nanamine senpai-she's in her third year and she's a beauty.
It's not just her looks that got me though, she's real intelligent and stuff like that thus, she's always possessed the top grades, high and clear for anyone to see on the bulletin board.
She's the perfect woman.
I was trying to write a confession or whatever you call it but it was harder than I thought.
I suppose I'm not the most poetic person out there.

The door opens, causing me to get startled and I turn the next sheet of paper I started writing on so it faces its back.

Tsukasa:"Are you not going to come down for dinner?"

"I appreciate your concern but, you could knock next time."

Squinting my eyes, I slap either side of my red face and he skips over, trying to pry and see what I was writing so intently.

"What is it?
I conceal it under my palms but that only heightens his curiosity.

Tsukasa:"Oh, hmmm. I thought maybe you were reading something dirty again."

"Sh-shut up."

Tsukasa:"Well your face is all red!"

"Yeah but, it's not because of anything like that. It's nothing you'd understand."

Tsukasa:"Who do you have a crush on?"

"None of your business."

Tsukasa:"Could it beee Nene chan!"

"HAH!? Why would you bring up that name out of the blue like that? V-Vietnam flashbacks."
I shudder and he bursts out laughing.

"We haven't seen her for years-"

Tsukasa:"Well if you'd come down to dinner maybe you'd find out!"

"If you want me to come down for dinner so bad fine but, you don't need to bring back bad memories."

I grumble jumping off my bed and budging past him, while he continues to belly-laugh.
I know what you're thinking. I'm being mean but I'm not.
If you'd met her, you'd probably go insane within 5 minutes of being around her.
Actually scrap that, she always seems normal at first like anyone would so maybe I'm exaggerating but, once you get to know what she's really like, that all flips.
"Why are you still smirking? It wasn't that funny."
I growl at Tsukasa on the other side of the dining table, Mom and Dad exchanging a small look of confusion before they both clear their throats.

Mom:"Boys, do you remember Nene cha-"

My cutlery falls out of my grasp and she halts causing Tsukasa to start up again.

"This is suspicious. Why is she being mentioned so much today?"
I gulp.

Mom:"Nene chan will be moving here to Kyoto. Her parents are always on business trips so I-"

"Mom, I will be excusing myself."

Tsukasa:"But you haven't even gotten to hear the best part!"

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