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Today is the day Nanamine senpai falls head over heels for me, just watch. Ever since I found about this trip to Okinawa, I've been secretly working out: 20 push-ups! 20 burpees! The plank! And boxing!
Well, fighting Tsukasa if that counts.

Here's how it'll go:

"Ya Nanamine senpai-"

"Kyaaa! Yugi kun, you're so muscular and manly!"

"You think?"

"Woah, I was so stupid to not realise sooner but, I'm in love with you Yugi kun! Please go out with me!"

"Tehe... if only it could go that smoothly."
I pinch my face, scrutinising myself in the mirror.

"Yosh, oi!"
A hand ruffles my hair before it wraps around my neck, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Natsuhiko senpai!?"

Natsuhiko:"Ne, what kind of swimsuit do you think milady is wearing?"

"E-Eh? I hadn't really thought about it yet..."
My face turns rubescent.
Nanamine senpai will probably look good in anything if I'm being honest.

Natsuhiko:"Today is the day I make her mine."
Pulling away he makes a fist before flexing.
"Good luck little man."

"Same to you."

Natsuhiko:"Then let's go, the girls are bound to come out in a moment."
The heat is especially intense today but that's fine because what awaits us is that cyan, blue sea in the distance.
Of course, there's already a bunch of students or teachers that have taken over parts of it and a few cheesy couples.

Minamoto and Mistuba:"The sea!!!"

"You guys aren't gonna wai-"
Zooming past, I give up and shake my head.

Sakura:"Excuse us for the wait. Ara, those two are already gone."
Shoot, I could feel my face getting hot.

Well it's fine, I could easily blame that on the weather but wow, Nanamine senpai truly is the perfect woman.

On the other hand, Natsuhiko senpai is going straight for the kill, her completely ignoring him as he follows her around like a dog on a leash.

Sakura:"Yugi kun, I will be over there so join me once the others enter the picture."
She smiles, brushing her hair behind her ear.

That sounded kinda lewd.

"Ahaha. I'll be sure to do that."
I say shyly, prodding my fingers together.
I shouldn't get too excited-she definitely only said I should join her because she wants to act as if Natsuhiko senpai has been brushed off from existence.

Perhaps I should too.
"Progress. It's progress-!"

Yashiro:"What's progress?"
I hear a whisper by my ear, her hands held behind her back.

"Ah! Oh, it's just you, Yashiro. I thought it was someone important."

Yashiro:"Ehhh!? Is that all you're gonna say!?"

"What do you mean?"

With a small giggle, she jumps back and flaunts  herself with a spin.

Yashiro:"My swimsuit. It shows off my figure, ne, ne!?"

"I see you're wearing one but the other part might be a stretch."
I reply plainly her brow twitching In response  which causes Aoi san to pat her ,comfortingly, on the shoulder.
Yashiro:"I see how it is."

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