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5 years ago...

Yashiro:"Ne Amane kun, do you have anything you're scared of?"

She asked, us sitting side by side and flicking through a horror book. Honestly no 8 or 9 year old should have been reading this and we knew that-it was a secret. Actually we were only looking at the pictures. An "onii san" at the time from the local bookstore had given it to us after renting it out himself because we were curious about it. As expected, the person behind the desk wouldn't give it to us.
"Hmm. Sure I am."
However, the two of us have always been not at all phased by horror stories.

"Heights-I'm scared of heights."

Yashiro:"How come?"
She questioned as we continued turning the pages.

"Because I always think I'll fall and it makes me kinda dizzy. You know, like when you get sick on a boat? Like that."


"What about you?"


"What's wrong?"

Yashiro:"It's a little bit embarrassing."

"Why? Come on I told you mine!"

Yashiro:"Then, I'm afraid of..."

"If you tell me what it is, I'll know when to come to your rescue."
Present time:

"𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒!"

We all echo, the hotel receptionist waving us away as we wheel our suitcases up and out.

Natsuhiko:"Chibi, you look tense."

"Ahaha. Tense? I'm just thinking."

Natsuhiko:"About Yashiro san?"
He whispers, my back straightening.
"I just know you guys did something dirty-"

"We did not!"
I shake my head.
I swear everyone always uses me as a teasing tool. Is it that funny to see me flustered?

Natsuhiko:"Calm down! I was kidding!"
Ahhhh. Mou.
The coach ride was especially awkward and so is this plane ride. You'd think with the large group we have now that I'd be able to pretend that it's not but, I can't.
Gulping, I tap my finger on the window. If I were to glance to the left of me, I'd see Yashiro being her typical self.
But we haven't talked since two days ago.

I just don't have the energy to.

Yashiro:"Himari chan look, look!"

Himari:"Wah! So this is what your hometown looked like?"


Sakura:"Nene chan though it's undoubtedly beautiful, words cannot describe how glad I am that you moved here."
She clasps her hands together.

Yashiro:"Sakura chan..."

-At the same time, you could tell she's longing for me to say something but I feel weird to just thinking about it.
Landing back in Kyoto was tiring. It's not just me this time, the majority of us look like zombies or are looking completely dazed.
And then when we were dropped back at school:

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