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Enjoy my children getting another chapter this week! Only the OG's know what I need a sprinkle of in all my stories even one with a genre like this.

We're nearing the build up muhahah. ( ͡ ᴗ ͡)

The sound of plates and bowls clattering fill the air, Mom smiling and humming while filling a bowl up with rice.

I grumble before folding my arms.

Dad:"So shall we talk about how our day has been...so far?"
He asks trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
"Boys, Nene chan?"

Tsukasa:"Amane's day looks like it sucked-"

My brow twitches.


Dad's attempt was an ultimate fail.

Slamming my hand on the table, I get up.

Mom:"Ara ara, you're not skipping lunch are you?"

"Not hungry."

Mom:"I'll give you your phone back when I believe you've learnt your lesson." She tuts.
"Throwing a tantrum about it won't make it any better, dear."

Dad:"Exactly Ama-oh."
He forgets what he's going to say so turns to mom instead for reconfirmation as to why I'm getting told off in the first place.
"Honey, what is the actual reason for this punishment again?"

Tsukasa:"I hear that it's because Amane tried to do something perverted to Nene chan!"

"I did not!"
I blush, arching my eyebrows.

Mom:"-Yet he still denies it. Amane, you're very ,very lucky Nene chan has forgiven you."

"Mom, not that again. I explained already what happened. Tell her, Yashiro!"

Yashiro:"A-actually Mrs Yugi, what happened was-"

Mom:"I gave him 'the talk' yesterday in hopes of understanding him but, Katsuo, maybe it'd be best if you talked to him-man to man."

Dad:"You hear that, son?"

With my mouth gaping open and my cheeks turning scarlet, mom shakes her head with her hand on her face, Tsukasa holding back his laughter and Yashiro folding her lips in an attempt not to.

"I-I'm leaving!"
Turning around and clenching my fists I walk towards the door.

Yashiro:"Amane, wait!"
She puts her hand out.

"Don't follow me!"
I point at her.

Mom:"Ara, dear?"

Dad:"Let him be. It's good for him to get some fresh air instead of being on his cellphone all day anyway."
My family is crazy. Can you imagine that the real pervert is sitting there right under their noses yet I'm the one to blame?

Taking a deep breath, I shake it off.

Well whatever, I could always find my entertainment elsewhere like the arcade for example. Plus, it's the summer holidays now-I can technically do whatever I want.

"That's right, Amane! You don't need anyone right now." I pull my fist down victoriously.

"Amane kun!"
I hear a voice shout from behind me.

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