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Mom:"Are you sure you have everything, honey?"
She asks worriedly as I wheel my suitcase into the living room.

Stupid, right?

Why would a suitcase be needed for like a five day trip? If I didn't have such a worry wart of a parent, I'd have happily taken a backpack alone.

I yawn and flop down on the couch.

Mom:"Amane, you don't look that excited."

Tsukasa:"Show a little more enthusiasm!"
He laughs hitting my back and spinning his belongings.

"Maybe because It's 3am.
I grumble rubbing my eyes.

Mom:"Well, you'll have a lot of time to sleep on the coach when I drop you off at your school-ah Nene chan you don't look tired at all!"

Yashiro:"That's because I made sure to take an early night, that way I'll have more energy to talk to friends and focus on the...important things."
She says angelically, swaying her handbag and looking slightly bashful.

Mom:"Mou, Amane you should learn more from Nene chan! You're such a bum sometimes."
Her voice echos as she goes to grab our boxed breakfasts and other things to snack on.

"Hah. I'll keep that in mind."
I retort sarcastically a smile creeping up on her before she skips in front of me.


Yashiro:"Your bed hair is adorable. If only I could commemorate-"

Before she could finish, I hold my head with my other hand held in front of her.

"Listen clearly miss perfect."
I whisper-shout, Tsukasa holding back his sniggering but stopping immediately once I glare at him.
Believe it or not, I have a reputation for being scary In the early mornings.
Yashiro:"Eh? Amane is s-scolding me again."
She holds her nose and turns away.

"What are you, a masochist?"

Yashiro:"I mean if it comes to you I probably-"

"Whatever. That's not the point. On this trip, there will be no information collecting besides, trips aren't really my thing so to make it slightly more bearable, forget that you supposedly 'like me' for five days, got it?"

Yashiro:"Ehhhh!? I can't do that! I love you too much to pretend I don't."

"You really don't hold back, huh?"

To anyone else this probably looks like a darn lovers quarrel.

"Why? You've gone years without me-it shouldn't be any different. You were okay on your own."
I complain, her face turning somewhat sullen and she hesitates for a moment.


Mom:"Kids, letsu go!"
She pops around the corner, holding brown food bags prior to chucking it to us.

He cheers.

"Mom, it's too early for this."
Maybe old people are natural early birds.

She hand-chops me on the head.

"What was that for!?"

Mom:"You thought something rude about me. FYI I'm just 34! I'm plenty young!"
She pouts, throwing a small tantrum.

"What are you, a mind reader!?"

Mom:"I knew it!"

Tsukasa:"Bye bye!"
He waves cheerfully as she pulls away, blowing him kisses while I continue to yawn.

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