Final part

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Emotional? A little bit.

Mom:"Amane, don't take too long to head out!"
She shouts from the bottom of the stairway as I pack in all the workbooks I need for today.

"I'll be down in the minute."
For some reason, you could have a whole entire 30 minutes to an hour until school starts yet parents always act like it's not enough time. And the thing is, I always end up way too early because of it.
What's the point?

That woman.

You know, one time she woke me up at 3am and I'm not even exaggerating.
Also, Mrs Yashiro is meant to be leaving today.
Can't she focus on her instead?
And I find she's a bit too laid back for someone who's gotta go soon.
She knocks on the side of the door before walking in.
"Eto since we're going back today, you have to be aware of something."

"Hm? You look so serious."

Nene:"Well basically Himari chan wanted to tell you something, didn't she? Some time ago."

"Ah. Speaking of that, she hasn't actually texted me since."
I won't be surprised if I made her mad for leaving out of the blue and so suddenly with no real explanation.

Nene:"I know she wouldn't appreciate my input but, she likes you."


Nene:"I'm not repeating it because it kinda pissed me off more than I thought it would saying it out loud."
She laughs nervously, scratching behind her head.


"I heard you the first time but, you're kidding, right?"
Himari chan?

It couldn't be.

Nene:"So if she tells you today, reject her as nicely as you can. After all I think she'll feel a lot worse if I'm there while you do so. She's lucky-I'm letting her have you on your own for a bit."

"I think you may have interpreted the way she acts around me way differently from what it actually is."

Nene:"No, I'm 1000% sure and you should have noticed ages ago that we were rivals!"
She says frustratedly with a puffed up face.
"We've just been speaking in girl code so you wouldn't understand."

"So you mean the awkward aura between you guys was cause of me?"
And here I thought they were friends.

"Pfft. Girls are weird."
I resume sorting through my stuff.

Nene:"Maybe so."
Holding her hands behind her back, she skips with a small jump and hugs me from behind.


Nene:"Also, I kinda want to mark you but, we're still keeping this a secret from the parents, right?"

"Eh? Y-you really are a p-per-!"

She giggles.
"I finished it before you could this time."

"Fine, I give up. But if it turns out you're teasing me about this whole Himari thing, I'll-"

Nene:"Hm? If it turns out I'm teasing you, you'll-!?"

"Hold on a sec, you're enjoying this."
As I flick her on the head, she squints.

Nene:"I can't help it! Scold me some more! Please?"
My girlfriend is like a-
What's the animal again?
"A puppy."
A really troubled one at that. One that's malfunctioned into liking the opposite of praise when it comes to me.

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