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5 years ago...

It had gotten so awkward

I looked up at her discreetly before looking back to my magazines again. She seemed happy to just sit there and watch instead rather than playing. Besides, I was convinced that I dreamt the whole entire thing and believe it or not, she still often came to my house whether she was invited or uninvited after that ridiculous original confession. At school she was clingier than usual. Everyday she'd confess to me again and she also liked to keep remnants of anything I owned. Also when I had arguments, you bet Yashiro would be there jumping in them too, madder than I was.


I gulped.

Yashiro:"Why won't you just say okay? You're being so mean and this is the last time we'll see each other."

"Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm reading..."

We sat there for a further 5 minutes not saying anything to each other, my leg jogging up and down.


"What now?"

Yashiro:"I like you, like you."

"Nene chan, come on."

Yashiro: I thought maybe you might not pretend you don't know this time- I have a crush on you."

"Well then get rid of it, somehow. I don't know."


"It's making you act weird."
I said straightening out my magazine and holding it in front of my face.

Yashiro:"I don't know when it started."

I pointed to her backpack, awkwardly.
"Are you really taking all my used straws with you?"

Yashiro:"Of course."


Yashiro:"So that I have something to remember you by and then when we meet again I'll have made a straw house. I'll give it to you as a present."
Strange right? She used to be somewhat innocent and now she only wants them for my "DNA"
What a pervert.

I've never met a girl so straightforward.
Sighing, I closed it back with pure determination, and determination only. There was only one way to approach this-well at least this is what I thought at the time.

"Operation get rid off this disease is in practice."

Yashiro:"It's a disease? Wait, c-can you die from falling in love?"

"Come on. I'll help you."
"We're going to the park!"

Mom:"10 minutes only!"
Her voice echoed back as we ran out the door.

Yashiro:"So, how do we get rid of it?"
She asked curiously as I took her hand.

"Um. Well..."
I hadn't thought it through.

Yashiro:"Amane, we always hold hands."

"Ah. I know-what about it?"

Yashiro:"But my chest feels funny when we do it now."

I let go quickly and cleared my throat.

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