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"What was that?"
"Amane's DNA?"
To hell with it. She hasn't changed at all.

I hide in my blanket-cocoon and surf my phone for a game or two.
Whatever, I tried my best.
Tsukasa could make her feel at home, not me.
I think to myself, smashing the buttons harder under my thumb.
If only she were like Nanamine senpai, maybe then it wouldn't be so creepy.

And no, I won't let her off the hook just because she's sort of pretty.
It's creepy.
My eyes glisten bashfully and I kick the blanket up and off me.

"Mm thats right, I could just confront her! This is my house after all."
I pull my fist down and march to the opposite room where she stays.

I knock thrice and it opens, her face automatically shining at the sight of me.


Yashiro:"Amane. Why, come in."

I take the offer and she continues to unpack her things with that jolly mood of hers, humming to herself a sweet song.

"So Yashiro..."

Yashiro:"Yes, Amane?"
She copies.

"Do you like anybody right now?"

Yashiro:"Course I do, it's you. So I'm glad that we'll be going to the same school."

"E-Ehh? You still haven't let go of that? I'm different now, you know."

Yashiro:"I know."

"Then, how come? What do you even like about me?"
I mutter, eyeing the jar that holds my used loli stick and the other empty ones.

She embraces me suddenly.

"There's no way that's true. And it's been 5 years-"
Besides, I like someone else.

Yashiro:"Amane, you smell nice."

"Don't smell me, you pervert."

Here comes her true nature.

Yashiro:"I'm not a pervert, I'm just a girl in love."
She pulls away and spins.

"You literally took a piece of  junk that was mine!"
I point.

Yashiro:"But, it's not like you want it. Do you?"

"No but-"

Yashiro:"Then why won't you let me keep it?"
She tilts her head.

"Because it's creepy and embarrassing! Why do you need it so much anyway?"

Yashiro:"...Research purposes. Especially since Amane has changed since I last saw him. You said it yourself."

"I was making conversation!"
I whisper-shout as she continues being so nonchalant about it, neatening her bed sheets like some kind of princess in la la land.

Yashiro:"Maybe so but, I realised it was true."


Yashiro:"You used to smell like orange scented soap but now, you smell like I'm trying to impress somebody aftershave."

"So what?"

Yashiro:"You were 4,5, you used to have 3.5 cm more hair too, you lost I'd recon 3 pounds of baby fat, you used to turn your pages from the top and now you do it from the middle, your voice is two octaves deeper, you used to start walking with your left-"

"That's enough. I'm leaving. Clearly you've got screws loose still."

Yashiro:"And I have a new notebook now so I'll be observing-"

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