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Minamoto:"Ah, Yugi! Over here-"
He gestures, patting the empty seat beside him.

Sakura:"Nene chan, there's an extra seat here."

"You guys really got a place at the back? Did you have to fight for it?"

Well, Nanamine senpai and Natsuhiko and Mitsuba because Minamoto is seated one space in front.

"Uh well...Yashiro wants-"

Yashiro:"Ne, Mistuba kun, will you be a dear and sit next to Minamoto instead? I wanna sit with Amane and Sakura chan so-"
She holds her face.

Mitsuba:"Tch can't couples be apart for a few hours? Yugi you sure got your hands full."
He scoffs while jumping up and shooing us.

"We're not a couple-she's just a loon."

Yashiro:"Don't be like that, you promised."
She smiles as I sit first (by the window seat) and then she sits next to me, smiling even more like an idiot now.
I don't understand how she could possibly be that happy sitting next to me.

She had to be faking.

Yashiro:"Ah! This is perfect!"
Grabbing Sakura's arm and mine, she makes a shrill noise of excitement, kicking her feet up and down like a kid.


Tch. But on another note, Yashiro sure is something else.
She purposely sat in the middle of us, huh?

Talk about being unnecessarily possessive.

Sensei:"Is that everyone!?"
She calls, gesturing for the other few people to hitch and pack up their suitcases quickly.


The engine starts up and we take off.

Yashiro:"Ne Amane, what games do you wanna play? It's an hour drive to the airport after all."

"Eh? Did you not hear me before? I'm going to sleep."

Yashiro:"Oh, that's too bad."
She frowns as I lean my head on the window and close my eyes.

Honestly I have no idea how I'll get to sleep with such an ecstatic bunch of people on here. I'm the only one with common sense.



"What is it now?"
I open my eyes again, her face just a few centimetres away from mine.

Yashiro:"You can lean on me if you want to."
She whispers.

"I'm perfectly comfortable so I'll reject the offer. Actually, I probably shouldn't let my guard down and sleep after all."
I grumble turning my face away.

Yashiro:"But, I really don't mind! I wouldn't do anything...that bad."

"How am I supposed to trust that?"
Plus Nanamine senpai will get the wrong idea.

Yashiro:"Then you could lay on my lap."
She taps her thighs and I blush.

"No thanks."

Yashiro:"Why? Are you embarrassed?"

"C-course I am. Anyone would be embarrassed to lay on a girls lap."

Yashiro:"Amane, you're so cute!"
She cuddles me, her cheek on mine and my head flopping to the side like a doll's one who hasn't been sewed on properly.

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