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For me, chapter 76 filled in all the questions I had about the Yugi family and wow-it's messed up. I don't know whether anyone else has caught onto what happened.

If you guys want my theories and Tbhk content, I have a Tiktok (same username as this one)
The long awaited peace I was looking forward to is finally here.
No more loud hospitals. Yeah my family is ecstatic themselves but, I'll admit I prefer it.


He jumps at me and I almost stumble.

"I'm in crutches you know. You want me to break something else?"

Mom:"That's right, you have to be a bit more careful."
She puts her hand on his head.

Well I don't blame him.
I'll try be extra nice since I worried him so much.

"Sorry Tsukasa."
I mumble.


Mom:"Amane ap-apologised!"
She blows her nose with a handkerchief, Dad patting her back.

Dad:"You're making your mother cry."

"Hah? You guys are acting like this is some sort of advancement."

Yashiro:"They're just teasing you. Mou! Amane you take everything way too seriously."
With her bursting into laughter, I sigh.

Why am I always the one getting teased though?

So maybe I really only missed my room.

"Mm. Thanks."
Inspecting my phone, I pass my finger along the cracks.

Mom:"I'll get you another one. Don't worry."
She says cheerfully.
"Which one do you want?"

"Why are you in such a jolly mood? Also, I don't care what kind it is. Don't buy it straight away if you can't. I'll wait."

Mom:"Hmm? Is that so? But, Amane I'm happy because a beautiful girl said my son was lovely. I wonder if Sakura chan likes you. But, she's much older-"

My face begins to turn pink.

Mom:"C-could it be-!?"

"It's nothing, okay?"

Mom:"That sounds suspicious."
Smiling, she skips towards the door.
"Will you be bored in here, honey?"

"I'll just read."

Mom:"I see. Then I'll bring a snack up later."

Nanamine senpai, why do you have to be so gullible? I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?
But that's right, I still have astronomy. I don't need my cellphone right now.
But, I wonder what she's gonna do to pass time. She's still got her cell working, right?

I shudder.
Actually maybe I don't want to know. After all, she's probably got all sorts of experiments going on in her room and she hasn't been the same lately.
"That's right. Reading is good for you, Amane!"
Straining my arm for my magazine at the bedside table, I open it up, my eyes skimming each word.

As much as I love reading though, I feel kind of distracted.

"It can't be helped."
I shut it.

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