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"So, when are we going home?"
I ask plainly.
I don't think I could stand this place any longer and it's literally been one day since we've been here:

Children crying, machines beeping, a broken phone and a weirdly calmer Yashiro.

-Well I guess I'm not complaining about the last thing.
Mom:"You see-your dad and I thought we should install a temporary seat thingy for the stairs."
She points her finger up.
"So from tomorrow we'll take you home but for today you'll be staying here."

"Hah? You don't have to do all that fancy stuff."
Count on mom to be over dramatic about things like this.

Mom:"But, if we don't you and Yashiro will have to sleep downstairs. You wouldn't mind?"

Yashiro:"I personally think that will be a lovely idea-"

Mom:"What a sweet girl."

"Yashiro just has no shame. Don't listen to her."
Even I need privacy because I'm sure I'd wake up to her taking pictures of my face.

Yashiro:"Ehhh!? But I-"

"On second thought, fine. Tomorrow it is-I'll be patient, happy?"

Mom:"Ara ara, you're blushing."
She ruffles my hair teasingly.

"I am not!"

Mom:"My son is terrible at expressing his emotions, acting all hostile when you've always been a softy for Nene chan."

Yashiro holds back her laughter as she continues to baby me.

Dad:"Something happen?"
He asks peeping in.

"Mom's just spreading false information."

Dad:"I-I see. Anyway, you two have got some visitors-"

"Really? But-"

But before I could finish the six of them burst right in with some exaggerated look on their faces.

"Nanamine senpai too?"
Eh? I wouldn't have expected her to be so tame hearing what happened.

Aoi:"Nene chan!"

Himari:"Amane kun!"

She touches her heart, Minamoto, Natsuhiko and Mitsuba sighing out of relief.

Mom:"Wow, that's a lot of visitors, how cute and your names are-?"

-And within seconds, Nanamine senpai is clasping her hands together.


Sakura:"I'm Nanamine Sakura, a third year. Thank you for bearing such a wonderful child. They've shown me nothing but kindness-I see them as a little sibling of my own. I envy you for making something so beautiful, Mr Yugi too." Bowing, she nods at dad gracefully and he's unsure of what sort of face to make.

She smiles at me, her other hand up to her mouth.

How much longer will this misunderstanding go on?

Mom:"I'm elated to see how caring you guys are-you must definitely visit one day."

Dad:"Then, let the kids catch up."
He takes her hand and pulls her along, her still all jolly and bouncy and wanting to make conversation.

Thanks for the save, I couldn't watch that any longer.


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