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"Why are you following me?"
I mumble moodily as she skips beside me, tilting her head so I'm in view with an exaggerated smile .

"I have p.e and you don't. And this is the boys p.e group anyway. Go before someone gets suspicious of our relationship."
I whisper, cupping my hand as the other guys stare at us from the corner of their eyes.

She stops and hugs me from behind, and now I could practically hear their staring, like a colony of buzzing bees.


"Yashiro, this is embarrassing."
My voice turns bashful as she takes a deep inhale.

Yashiro:"Amane smells a little bit different in his p.e kit-"

"Shut up!"

I pull her to the side, waiting for the huddle of boys to get farther away.

"Listen clearly. You're gonna make some real misunderstandings if you carry on like this."

Yashiro:"How so?"

"How!? Well... you're too friendly with me, it makes it seem like we're dating or something. And if you say things like I smell different in whatever, or pass me MY house keys, it makes it as if we've...done something rather unholy."

Yashiro:"But, I don't plan on marrying anyone else anyway. I decided, my whole entire body and existence belongs to Amane."

"There you go again. The way you think is bizarre."

Yashiro:"And I hope to make it the opposite way too. I want all of Amane."

"P-pervert. Weirdo."
I stutter, turning around.

Yashiro:"Amane is a Tsun-de-re."
She spells out, my eyes peeping over my shoulder to see her writing in that diary of hers.
Even though I specifically told her not to bring it along.

"I'm leaving. Don't follow me. Hmph."

Natsuhiko:"You're all riled up, Yugi."
He pants catching up to me.

"That's because she's getting on my last nerve."

Natsuhiko:"Her? Oh Yashiro san, right?"

"Even her name gives me the shivers. On the other hand-"
I look over to Minamoto and click my fingers by his ear twice.

"This guy is in a completely different world."

Natsuhiko:"It's understandable though. I mean from what you've told me, she's amazing and that confidence of hers is sort of attractive."

"She's 'amazing' in more than 1 way alright but not in the way you're thinking. And aren't you gonna get in trouble for straying from the second years?"

I stop running once the whistle sounds, Minamoto bumping right into me and then apologising.

"Snap out of it!"
"You're still writing in that diary of yours even though I'm not doing anything worthy of being written down about."

I say bluntly. I don't even have to look up to know that she's peeping over my shoulder.

Yashiro:"You're doing a lot of things."

"I'm on my phone. What are you gonna say? Amane is on his phone and then what?"
I sigh, sliding it into my pocket and heading upstairs.

Yashiro:"Ah, where are you going?"

"It doesn't matter, Yashiro."
I sing halfheartedly, entering the comfort of my room.
Peace and quiet at last.

My door is on the verge of closing before her hand grabs the side and pries it back open.

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