twenty six

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Nari stared at her phone screen, wondering where the hell they were

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Nari stared at her phone screen, wondering where the hell they were.

Exam season had passed as quickly as it came, and the girl almost wondered why she was so stressed in the first place, but then panicked and realised maybe she should have been more stressed and less occupied with them.

"Hey!" A voice behind her called, although it wasn't one she expected.

"Hi," she smiled nonetheless, for it was him. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodbye," Jacob smiled, looking down at the girl as he eyed her clothes. "I've rarely ever saw you out of uniform."

"Well, get used to it," she shrugged, earning a chuckle from him. "I'm still waiting on Eric and Juyeon, they're taking forever."

"I seen them on the way," the boy said, making Nari peak up. "They were with two other boys, your neighbour is one of them."

The girl nodded, the thought of seeing the three of them in the one frame was making her nervous, she wouldn't know how to act, so it was best she avoided the situation completely - if she could.

"Ah, that would be Hyunjae and Sunwoo," she coughed awkwardly. "I should go and find them."

"That's okay," he nodded understandingly, looking around before looking down at the girl again. "I'll see you soon?"

"You will," Nari smiled, her eyes trying their best to focus on him and not look around for them. "Thanks for stopping by."

And she meant it. The fact that he had came to see her before she left did mean a lot to her.

"Have fun," he nodded down at her as the two stood awkwardly, not quite sure what to do or how to act.

They both wondered if it was appropriate to hug, but the risk of people seeing and making assumptions was also very high. So, Nari settled with a fist bump.

"Seriously?" Jacob laughed, looking at the girl whose fist hovered, awaiting him to connect it. "I guess this will have to do, for now."

"For now?" She laughed as his fist hit hers, before he clasped his hand over the ball she had created.

"For now," he nodded, the girls hand loosening before giving intertwining her fingers and giving it a small squeeze.

The gesture was simplistic and small, the girl had barely realised what she was doing, but when it hit her that was the first time she had held Jacob Bae's hand, she knew it wasn't a hand she wanted to let go of.

"Are you friends with everyone in the year above?" Eric says from behind the two, making Nari turn sharply on her heels.

"Not everyone," she straightens her jumper, looking at the four boys before her. "Just some."

"Sure," Eric smirks, remembering that the girl had previously admitted to a crush on the older boy before. "We're heading to the bus."

"Okay," she breathed out, looking over to Juyeon who simply smiled and bowed to the elder, before walking past. Sunwoo done similar, except he spared a smile at the girl which Jacob too noticed.

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