alternative endings explained

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Helloooo, author here :)

Please feel free to skip this chapter. I understand that some people prefer to simply read and use their own initiative/understanding of what they've read and take it from there. I, too, am one of those people - but sometimes clarity and explanation isn't a bad thing!

I won't be offended if you don't read, your love and support has been more than enough <33

I felt it was only right to make this extra chapter and provide some explanations for the two alternative endings to chapter sixty...

Chapter sixty is of course the determinant of the outcome of this story. 

Throughout when I've saw your guys' comments on each chapter before the final chapter was released, I realised and noticed that a lot of you had a particular boy as your preferred endgame.

Firstly, I'm sorry if chapter sixty wasn't the outcome you hoped for. Secondly, I'm also sorry if these alternative endings aren't what you hoped for either - but I can explain my reasoning for each one.

In the 1st alternative chapter, we saw Nari's underlying love for her first love - Sunwoo.

Of course, throughout the story it seems as though their relationship has been and passed. They've moved on (seemingly, particularly not for Sunwoo), and it is clear that she is more so torn between Juyeon and Jacob in the last chapters.

The reason that Nari doesn't end up with Sunwoo in the end of that chapter is because in her eyes, he is with someone much better than herself.

Even though many of you wanted to see them together, I felt it was necessary to show that Nari herself knows now that she is far from perfect, and somewhat undeserving of Sunwoo. Although, we can see during the story that he would willingly make his way back to her if that's what she wanted.

But this is a big step for her in realising just that. He should be happier, without her. She should respect that he can be happy - without her.

In the 2nd alternative chapter, we saw Nari make her way to Juyeon just like she did in the original chapter.

This time, she confuses the boy with her questions, truthfully stirring things the wrong way and somewhat angering him.

Jacob catching the two by driving by Juyeon's street is not coincidental - but merely an image that he had to see in order to confirm his suspicions.

Even if she tells Jacob that she is willing to work through things and chooses him in the end, he'll always struggle to believe that.

That's because throughout the whole story, we can see fragments of not only how Juyeon feels for Nari - but how it is reciprocated at times.

Regardless of what she would have told Jacob in a possible chapter sixty, he would have always been suspicious.

I think those messages are clear in the chapters, but I'd rather just come here and explain for those who aren't sure about it all.

Ideally, I would have loved to have made a chapter where it ends happily for all the possible couples.

But given how this story has went up until now, there isn't much I can change about their journeys in order to give that desired outcome.

Nari could have always loved Sunwoo, that is possible.

Nari could have chose Jacob, that is also possible, but given their issues - he would never have believed that.

He was too insecure about Juyeon, and Nari often fed that insecurity. I guess both chapters are about her realising how far from perfect she really is - and I hope you guys realise that too!

Despite this, I do personally believe that she should have ended up with Juyeon. I somewhat also believe that Juyeon deserved better, but I won't turn my back on a character that I created...

Their story was a slow burner, but I'm satisfied with the plot twist and the outcome - I hope you guys were too despite maybe having a different endgame in mind!

I love you all, thanks for your endless support and love. This has been my favourite story to write and create for you guys, I wish I could give you all what you wanted but as a writer I have to stay true to what I believe would have been realistic in the world of 'optical'.

P.S, my favourite colour is also blue...

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