thirty seven

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Nari glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, tugging down the ends of her dress as she huffed

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Nari glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, tugging down the ends of her dress as she huffed.

Tonight was the first proper house party she would attend, and although she had no plans to get drunk, she wanted to go to experience it for the first time.

"So, who is he again?" Nari asked as she jogged down the stairs to meet Eric, who stood against the wall on his phone.

"San," he said casually, locking his phone away. "I know him through work."

"And he's okay with strangers coming to his house?" She asks, throwing her blazer over her arm as she looked outside to see the sun still shining.

"Obviously," Eric said in an obvious tone, opening the front door for Nari to step out.

"Where are you two going?" Sangyeon called from the front garden, the two looking over to see him sunbathing even though it was six o'clock at night.

"A party," Eric answers casually, earning a smack on the arm from Nari. "A... gathering?"

Her brother looks at the two for a while, the girl standing awkwardly as she awaited a lecture from the elder. "Cool, be careful please."

"That's it?" Nari asked, cocking an eyebrow at her brother who shrugged.

"That's it," he nodded, as Eric waved goodbye and began to walk. "Be careful means no drinking."

"Got it," Nari says, pursing her lips as she too waved goodbye to him, jogging to catch up with her friend. "Won't this place be filled with people we don't know?"

"Maybe, he knows a lot of people," Eric spoke highly of the boy already, which made Nari less nervous to go. "Just stick with me and Juyeon and you'll be fine."

"He's coming?" The girl asked almost instantly, watching as her friend turned around and smirked.

"He is, didn't I tell you?" He asked casually, almost as if he was playing some sort of game. "We're meeting him on the way there, he doesn't live far from San."

She nodded, trailing behind the boy who walked so eagerly with a spring in his step. Parties were great for a social butterfly like himself, not that Nari wasn't, she just didn't seem to get on great with many people, and that mostly included girls.

She wondered when that would change, if it ever would. The lack of female presence in her life never seemed to be a problem, but recently she felt that gap.

"This is a rich neighbourhood," Nari said as the two approached a street, her eyes widening at the houses.

"Juyeon lives around here, are you calling him a snob?" Eric fires back, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Who called me a snob?" The two heard a voice from behind them, turning to see Juyeon who jogged to catch up with the two.

"Nari did," Eric chuckled mischievously, as Juyeon looked down at the girl.

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