forty eight

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Nari rolled over in her bed with a loud groan, her hand flying to her head as though that would cure her staggering headache

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Nari rolled over in her bed with a loud groan, her hand flying to her head as though that would cure her staggering headache.

She picked up her phone, seeing photo tags and texts from those who came last night, thanking her for a good time and hoping that she enjoyed it.

Which she did, undeniably, but she shot up from her bed when she realised how the night ended.

She shortly regretted her quick movement, as it only travelled to her head and made her fall back on the bed as she groaned again.

"Nari?" Her brothers voice called from outside the door with a chap.

"Come in," she grumbled, sitting upright as she looked at him with one eye open.

He strolled in looking a similar state to her, the hair on his head stuck up at either side, and he too kept only one eye opened as he looked at the girl, a hand coming up to clutch his head. "I'm dying."

"Me too," Nari groaned as her brother plopped down on the end of her bed. "I need a pain killer."

"Me too," her brother sighed, standing up. "What time did Jacob go home?"

The girl sucked in a deep breath, looking anxiously at the floor. "Not long after you went to bed."

"Everything alright?" Sangyeon asks, noticing his sisters distressed face.

"Not really," she said truthfully. "But I'll sort it out."

He nodded, not wanting to press any further. He knew his sister well, she would cave in eventually and tell him.

"When does he go home?" Nari called after he left the room, making him turn on his heels as he looked at the girl who now sprawled across the bed.

"Tonight, I'm sure," he replies, watching as she lifted her head slightly. "But you should go soon, if you want to fix whatever this is."

The girl jogged down the street, her legs felt tired beneath her, but she felt blessed that it was now turning that little bit colder, so she wouldn't be drenched in sweat by the time she got there.

She pondered around the corner, taking a deep breath as she pulled out her phone.

Should she call him in advance? Then that would ruin how she planned for things to go.

But was that the right thing to do? He was sneaking around behind his parents backs to be with her in the first place.

"Get yourself together, Nari, this isn't a drama," she spoke quietly to herself, locking her phone before stuffing it back in the pocket of her jeans.

The walking continued until she was within view of his house. It was then she knew she had to call him, she had no choice.

"Hi," Jacob's voice sounded blunt through the phone, and she knew it wasn't a fault in their signals. This was how he would treat her.

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