ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ {chapter two

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it was the afternoon and VK's had just been to the cafeteria for their lunch, all of them sat down together talking but Carlos saying nothing.

"Carlos..you okay?" Evie asked, biting into her sandwich and looking up at him.

"erm-yeah." Carlos put his head down and shoved his food out of the way from him, leaving it untouched.

"you gonna eat that?" Mal asked, looking at him with worry.

"no, you can have it." Carlos shoved it to her and got up, brushing off his clothes.

"We've got the tourney game now, we'll see you guys soon." Jay winked at them both and laughed, putting an arm around Carlos and leaving before walking out of the cafeteria and bumping into Jane.

"Carlos!" Jane jumped into his arms for a hug and held onto him tight.

Carlos almost jumped out of his skin and got a little panicked. "do I know you?" he carefully pulled away and looked back at Jay for help.

"what do you mean?" Jane pulled away from Carlos and gave him a little smile, not knowing what he was talking about. "it's me, Jane?" she folded her arms and looked down at the ground in disappointment.

"Jane..we've gotta get to class but I'll talk to you later about it, okay?" Jay put a hand on Jane's shoulder and walked off to the gym, pulling Carlos with him and leaving Jane confused and upset, Mal and Evie soon getting up to comfort her.

Later on the field there was a tourney game the boys had all been preparing for, and the entire school was watching. Jay was stood around waiting for the whistle to blow so the game could start, and Carlos was just stood around too-not knowing what he was doing.

"Carlos! what are you doing?!" Coach shouted over at him. "get out of the kill zone!"

Carlos looked around really confused and put his helmet on, he then stood in a random position and the whistle blew, Carlos watched what Jay was doing and he started to run and copy him, he started hitting random things as he was running, until he looked up and saw someone charge towards him, his eyes widened and he turned around and ran away in panic back to the bleachers where Mal and Evie were.

"What's going on with you? your normally really good at this!" Couch shouted at Carlos and pointed him off the pitch.

"i am?" Carlos rubbed his head and sighed, sitting down at the side of the pitch-taking his helmet off and watching everyone run about.

"they're so bad at this." a voice said and giggled, then standing on his hind feet and putting his paws in the air. "woo hoo!"

Carlos looked to his right to see a dog sat beside him, barking at the game.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Carlos jumped up off his feet and ran as quick as he could through the field and through the middle of the game, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Carlos? what's wrong?!" Dude asked as he chased after the boy, then making Carlos run even further.

The game came to a holt and everyone just watched what was going on, their mouths open wide. why was Carlos scared of Dude? I thought they were best friends..

Jay looked over at coach and coach nodded at him, letting Jay go and find Carlos who had run off the school grounds and into some random fields, until he was so tired from running he just fell to the ground and took a deep breath to get his breath back.

"Carlos!" Dude started to run up to him until Jay caught up and explained to Dude, and he walked away with his ears down and sad.

"what's going on?" Jay bent down to him.

"why am I here? what's going on? my mom isn't around is she?" Carlos' eyes darted around until Jay tried to calm him down.

"do you know who I am?" Jay asked as he sat beside him, hoping for a good answer.

"yeah..your Jay." Carlos looked at him with narrowed eyes, still not knowing what was going on.

Jay sighed in relief. "okay I'm Jay..do you know who the two are with purple and blue hair?" Jay patted Carlos leg to give him comfort.

"ermm..yeah, I think-Mal and Evie?"

"yeah..Mal and Evie."

"I don't really know them though, the only thing I know about Mal is that she always picks on me and makes me do stuff for her, and Evie is just really nice and gave me a pillow." Carlos fiddles with a strand of his hair and looks down at the ground.

"Carlos..do you remember anything? like-from being 17?" Jay adjusted his beanie as he looked at Carlos.

"17? I'm 14? what are you talking about?"

"it's like you've..gone back a few years? your really good friends with Mal and Evie, Mal is the queen of Auradon and Evie has her own fashion line, any recollection?" Jay raised his eyebrows.

"erm no..i mean i know i live in Auradon now, but I can't remember the exact reason for it. Your the only person I properly remember..please don't hurt me." Carlos backed away and put his hands up in defence, as Jay used to be quite the fighter.

"im not gonna hurt you Carlos, I'm gonna help you alright? I just-need to understand why this has happened and I need to talk to the other two about it. oh and you know that girl that hugged you earlier?"

"yeah..?" Carlos looked at him weirdly.

"yeah that's your girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend?! what have I turned into?!" Carlos looked at Jay wide eyed and with a weird look on his face.

Jay started to laugh and he patted Carlos on the shoulder. "And you know that dog that was chasing you?"


"yeah that's your best friend." Jay started to giggle as he watched Carlos' reaction.

"I'm best friends with a dog?!" Carlos got up and looked at Jay, with a little smile starting to break on his face. "this is insane, so I'm 17-I'm best friends with a dog, I have a girlfriend and I'm good at whatever that hockey game is?"

"tourney." Jay corrected him.

Carlos nodded "tourney, and I'm not actually 14?"

"correct." Jay got up and looked at Carlos who was still a little shook but accepted it.

"well how do we change it?" Carlos asked, looking at Jay.

"it's like someone has put a spell on you.." Jay glanced at Carlos then back down on the field half a mile away, and looked at Mal.

"i think we know someone who can change it.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now