rotten roots of the isle {chapter 4

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the six VK's cautiously made their way across the bridge, Jay and Evie falling behind the group, with Mal, Uma, Harry and Gil leading the "pack"

"Jay, we need serious words" Evie said as she softly grabbed him by the arm and stopped him, looking at the bruise on him. Jay sighed and looked at Evie, noticing how concerned she was because she had no idea what happened to either him or Carlos.

"Evie, its nothing. really, cmon we gotta go" he pulled his arm away from her and walked off to catch up with the group, Evie soon pulling him back.

"Jay, tell me. I wont tell anyone, you can trust me" Evie looked him dead in the eye, then thinking about what could've happened because she knew Jay wouldn't tell her, no matter how hard she tried. It took her while but she eventually thought about it and realised what had happened and she gasped quietly under her breath.

"d-did your dad do this to you? she stuttered as she spoke, slowly letting go of him and sadness filling her eyes. Jay knew he couldnt hide it from anyone, especially Evie. He just sighed and looked at the ground, as he felt like a disappointment.

"Jay, its okay. I promise he'll never come near you again, this will never happen again. I just wish you told me sooner, like way sooner." she spoke softly, wrapping her arms around him, Jay quickly hugged her back and just let his head rest on her shoulder, until they both heard the four others shouting for them.

"Guys. cmon hurry up!" Gil shouted back at them as him, Uma, Harry and Mal entered the barrier to The Isle.

Evie gave Jay a small smile and they both followed the group, walking into The Isle.

"so where would this punk be?" Uma asked, looking back at Gil, Mal and Harry.

"Cruella? if she has Dude, shes most likely going to be at the material factory, looking at "designs"" Mal cringed at the word "designs" knowing that it would be made out of Dude.

"or she could be at the egg farm, you know-where there's feathers? or she could be at the butchers? I mean probably not and I hope not the butchers but you never know, I mean thats what my father thought when he was looking for Beast, or maybe she could-" Gil got cut off with Harry putting his hook to Gil's throat, Gil then gulping nervously.

"just, be quiet." Harry hissed at Gil, slowly pulling his hook away from Gil's throat and striding along to meet the others.

"we should check the material factory first, I dont trust Cruella as far as I can throw her" Jay exclaimed as he nodded at them all, they all soon agreed and headed towowards the factory, being careful as they did so.

Carlos was still laid in bed, he had woken up not long after he fell asleep but he just laid there, staring at the roof and worrying about Dude.

"I cant stay here and let this happen." he mumbled quietly to himself, quickly launching out of bed and throwing his leather jacket on over his fancy top, and pulling some old scruffy boots on, he shoved his phone into his pocket and dashed out of his room, then passing Jane and he quickly skidded and stopped in his tracks.

"Carlos are you okay?!" Jane asked, holding his arms as she watched him in a rush.

"yeah, yeah Jane I'm fine. I've got to go to The Isle, now." He said before giving her the quickest kiss and pulling away from her,

"Carlos?!" Jane watched him run "I'm getting mom." she said to herself as she rushed down the hall to find her mother.

Carlos was soon sprinting down the halls and out to the front barrier, then sprinting across the bridge as fast as he could.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now