ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter nine

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all of them had eventually fallen asleep beside one another, all of them in extremely uncomfortable positions as they were sleeping on the rock hard ground. Carlos started to twist and turn in his sleep, until he felt a dream coming on.

Carlos opened his eyes to find himself in the dark woods, trees surrounding him with nothing but the sound of wind and trees crashing against each other in the nearby distance. He sat up and looked around himself, to see nobody was there-even though he could've sworn he was with people not too long ago. He slowly stood up to find there was absolutely nobody to be seen so he just figured that they went early morning adventuring or something-he slowly started to walk around the depths of the forest, calling out various names.

"Jane? Mal? Ben? Jay? Evie? Dude?" he shouted as he continued to look around, not knowing where anyone went. He continued to call their names as he went further and further away from where they all had set camp, until he heard familiar footsteps coming his way and he sighed in relief "Jane I-" he began, before looking up and seeing his mother approaching him.

"Carlos! how I missed you!" she gave him a forceful smile, looking at their surroundings then back at her "beloved" son. "let mommy take you home." she held a hand out and gave a wicked smile.

Carlos cowered and shook his head in fear "how did you find me?" he backed away slightly, keeping his eyes on her as she kept coming closer and closer, until he fell back against a tree and sunk to the ground, cowering down in shock and fearfulness.

Cruella looked down at him, before lifting his chin up to see a train wreck of a boy who was trembling from fear, she dropped his head and laughed to herself. "I will find you Carlos, I know where you are. I'm coming for you, better run." she cackled, tears now running down Carlos's face as her body lunged forward onto him and he screamed as loud as he could.


Carlos jolted awake, his heart pounding out of his chest and tears still falling down his cheeks, he looked around to find himself fallen against a tree in the middle of the woods, then looking up to see someone shaking him and other people starting to approach.

"get away from me!" he screamed, curling into a ball and burying his face into his knees, tears dripping onto his clothes as he felt a 'gentle' hand.

"Carlos it's me, it's Jane." she looked at the boy  and slowly lifted his chin up, with her long,  pointy black and red nails.

Carlos looked up to see his mother there yet again, he felt her nail digging into the skin on his neck and he couldn't scream, he just sat there in fear and closed his eyes, wanting it all to end as his body trembled all over.

Carlos continued to cry, until he snapped back into reality and he instantly grabbed a hold of his neck and felt a tear of pain fall down his face, he felt like someone had dragged their nail up his neck. He heard familiar voices approaching him and he quickly made his way up from the ground and backed himself against the tree, yet again cowering and covering his face in fear.

"Carlos? Carlos!" Jane shouted as she approached him, bending down beside him in concern as she brushed his hair.

"leave me alone, get away!" he shouted loudly, shoving her off as he still thought it was his mother haunting him.

Jane quickly backed away and fell into Ben's arms, a bit scared as Carlos had literally shoved her with a lot of might.

Ben looked down at Carlos with raised eyebrows, reaching down to him "it's only us, calm down." he put his hand on his shoulder comfortingly, Carlos relaxing but keeping his head into his knees.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now