ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter ten

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Ben looked down at Carlos and frowned, watching him closely as he tried to think.

"you good?" Mal asked as she placed her hand on Ben's shoulder, looking at him with a strange look.

"yeah." Ben glanced back at her as he just stared at Carlos as much as he could.

Carlos bit his lip nervously and fiddled with his fingers, he knew Ben was watching him but he kept his eyes on the ground, so he didn't look suspicious.

"hey Carlos, how you feeling?" Ben asked in the most non-awkward way he possibly could.

"fine." mumbled Carlos, tapping his foot on the ground, whistling softly to break the awkwardness. the others just watched in confusion to why the two were so edgy.

Ben almost towered over Carlos as he had a look in his eyes closely, seeing a really faint glow coming from the back of them.

"he's spelled!" Ben shouted as he turned around to the others who looked at Carlos, who was soon gone.

Carlos sprinted out of the room as fast as he could and down the different flights of stairs.

"someone grab him!" Ben shouted as he watched Jay sprint past them all and he followed Carlos, as they both made their way onto the front garden of the castle, Jay soon caught up with Carlos and jumped on him, making them both fall to the ground in a heap, the others followed them out.

Carlos tried to get up but Jay pinned him down on the ground, glaring down at him.
"what have you done?!"

"get off of me!" Carlos shouted rather aggressively, eventually knowing he wasn't breaking Jay's grip and gave up.

"what have you done." Jay loosened his grip on Carlos, eventually letting go but still sat on top of him in case he tried to run off again.

Carlos grunted to himself as he stared at the ground for a few moments then looked back up at Jay "I spelled myself."

"why would you do that?!" Evie stepped forward and towered over the two boys, folding her arms.

Jay's eyes instantly softened up and he got off Carlos, standing up then looking down at him
"you spelled yourself with what?"

"I mean, i spelled myself about the being hungry thing. I figured if you guys thought it was getting worse, you would leave me to go and find Cruella, then forget about me. that's what I wanted." he sighed softly as he rubbed his forehead with his sleeve to get rid of his sweat.

Everyone frowned as they all found sympathy for him, Jay sighed heavily and he bent down in front of Carlos, placing a hand on his shoulder. "never."

they all eventually bent down and softened up, wrapping their arms around each other and Carlos, everything was okay again. well, kind of.

Carlos felt a soft tear of joy run down his cheek before he pulled away from them all and stood up and faced Jane, holding his hands out to her, Jane soon taking his hands into hers.

"I love you, and I'm so sorry if I hurt you." he bit his lip nervously, looking at her.

Jane felt a tear run down her face as she just jumped into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could, Carlos wrapping his arms back around her and smiling to himself (just imagine that soft ass hug they had in D3)

"cmon, lets go." Mal smirked at them all before Carlos wrapped his arm around Jane and they all followed after Mal.


the VK's, Dude and Jane followed after Mal as they made their way back to the castle, Carlos and Jane talking as they walked while Jay fell behind and watched the two, slightly smiling to himself.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now