ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {chapter one

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{this story is also based after Descendants 3}

it was a sunny day in Auradon, the four VK's were outside of their dorms on the grass, having a picnic together. Ben, Jane, Doug and Lonnie included because you know-Jay and Lonnie always had a thing. Ben had his arm wrapped around Mal as she was downing strawberries AGAIN, Jay and Lonnie were just talking about Tourney and the upcoming game, because Lonnie was now captain of the team. Evie and Doug were discussing what movie they wanted to watch that night with the group as they were all having a massive stay over in Jay and Carlos' room then Jane and Carlos were just cuddling while looking up at the clouds, trying to make out shapes from them.

"this one looks like a-uh?" Jane tilted her head as she pointed up at a cloud that just had no shape and looked like a regular old cloud.

"cloud, it looks like a cloud." she laughed at herself for how stupid she sounded and put her head on Carlos' chest, covering her face shyly.

Carlos looked down at the girl and pulled her hands from her face and wrapped his arm around her tighter, making her feel safe.

"remember that game when you downed Chad by jumping off his back to hit the ball into the goal? now THAT was awesome." Lonnie laughed as she placed her head on Jay's shoulder gently.

Jay laughed at her, the two weren't dating but they had a 'connection'
"yeah and then you came in and swooped me off my feet at the end?" he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her.

Ben was jokingly feeding Mal strawberries, by pretending to give them to her then eating them.

"Ben!!" she laughed and grabbed one of the strawberries, eating it then cuddling back up to him.
"I can't believe our wedding is next month, it's gone by so quick!" she chuckled as she looked at the gorgeous purple gemmed ring on her finger, obviously because it's her favourite colour.

Ben stole a strawberry Mal was about to eat and laughed at her "I know right, next month. you'll be the best Queen." he kissed the ring on her hand then looked back up at her and smiled, still chewing half a strawberry.

"I personally think titanic." a very confused Doug said as he looked at Evie with a smile on his face.

"no no no, I think Snow White" she giggled, brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"yeah yeah of course you would say that." Doug laughed at her, then looking at the others who were doing different things.
"let's ask the others, hey guys?"

all of them turned around and looked at Doug "yeah Doug?"

"so we can't decide which movie to watch tonight, so we thought all of you guys can make the choice." he said as he smiled dopily. {if you get it you get it:)}

Carlos sat up and looked at Jane "I mean, me and Jane wanted to watch this new action movie called 'Mad Max'" he looked at them all and shrugged.

"ooh yeah! I've heard of that!" Mal exclaimed excitedly and pointed at them "I've heard it's really good!" she mumbled messily as she finished her strawberry.

"yeah, it's supposed to be one of the top movies at the moment." Jay said as he looked at them, obviously buzzing to watch the movie as it was up Jay's 'street'.

"then it's settled, we'll watch that then." Evie spoke softly and smiled at them, then standing up with Doug holding her arm.

suddenly there was a loud crash of thunder as a massive raincloud overlooked Auradon and it just started raining heavily, all of them getting soaked.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now