LOST AND FOUND {chapter five

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"why?" exclaimed Carlos, looking at Ben confused.

"just-come with me, we'll leave Jay to calm down." he sighed and grabbed Carlos' arm, dragging him off the Tourney field and into the school.

"your lucky I got you out of there, Coach would've kicked you off the team..if he hasn't already." Ben said as he dragged Carlos by the arm through the corridors, while turning back to speak to him.

"I don't know what I was supposed to be doing, but I wasn't very good at it. I sort of just followed the lead." Carlos chuckled as he quickly stopped in a halt when he saw Mal coming from the opposite direction, but Ben was too busy talking back to Carlos that he quickly let go of Carlos' arm when he stopped and stumbled into Mal, who coincidentally was heading in the right direction.

"woah-" Ben shouted as he quickly gripped onto Mal's shoulders to pull himself back up.

"Ben! I've been looking for you everywhere." Mal exclaimed as she gave him a hug, soon pulling away and walking over to Carlos.

"what happened to his eyes?" Evie asked, also pondering over for a look.

"my eyes? what's wrong with my eyes?" Carlos quickly backed away from Mal as he wasn't 'used' to her.

Mal's eyes slightly widened and she turned back to Ben, "I think we need to find Fairy Godmother.,"

"coincidentally that's where we were going." Ben chuckled as he crossed his arms.

"what happened to your hand?" Evie asked, as she gently caressed Carlos' red hand.

"yeah about that, there's something wrong with Jay too, he's acting...different." Ben said as he took a step forward to look at Carlos' hand.

"I don't think I need to ask.." Mal said slowly as her eyes followed Jay who stormed past, bashing Carlos' on the shoulder, with Coach following quickly after.

Carlos' grabbed his shoulder and went to take a step forward towards Jay but Mal put her hand out so he couldn't.

"come on." Mal grabbed Carlos' hand and ushered them all to Fairy Godmothers office, where they were all quickly invited in and sat down.

"so.. what seems to be the problem?" Fairy Godmother smiled sweetly as she put her hands on her desk, not getting the hint anything was wrong.

"we..don't know."

Fairy Godmothers continued pursuing her smile, as her eyes wandered between them all while waiting for another response.

Mal stared at Fairy Godmother and ushered her to talk.

"right.. erm let me see. explain a bit more Mal?" she drops her smile, puts on a serious look and stares at the group.

"Carlos and Jay are acting different, it's like they've forgotten who they are. The other day we found Carlos in a mess, and since then he's been acting like he used to, before we came here and before we all became close friends, as well as Jay. It's like-"

"someone's put a curse on them?" Evie butted in as she looked at them all worriedly, while making direct eye contact with ben and mal.

"I don't understand how this could've happened.. the only way someone can be cursed is if they have access to my wand or Maleficent's spell book, which is near enough impossible. Since we opened the barriers, Beast and Belle persisted that we hired the most experienced and trustworthy security team in the entire state to protect them, as well as enforced security doors and alarms in the museum and extra magic barricades around them." Fairy Godmother explained, as she pulled out a documentation file from her drawers to show the dates written down of when the security guards were first hired.

"strange." Ben said as he scratched his chin. "The only people that would be able to reach them would be someone who knows their way around the items or had direct access.." Ben said slowly as everyone's eyes darted towards Mal.

"seriously guys? you think it's me?" Mal said shockingly with her mouth open.

"yeah, yeah sorry." Ben shook his head and sighed at Evie and Carlos. "Maybe one of the security guards?"

"maybe.." Evie mumbled, as she took the documents off Fairy Godmother and read through the details of each member of staff cautiously.

"Mal?" Evie pulled a face and showed Mal the sheet while pointing at a name. Mal soon pulling a face as well. "you don't think?"

"no." Evie gasped as she quickly put the documents back down onto the desk.

"would anyone like to inform me?" Fairy Godmother smiled brightly and sarcastically as she looked between the two girls.


"Maverick? He's a sweet young boy. When we hired him, he was extremely interested in your mother's book Mal. He never stops speaking of it!" Fairy godmother giggled.

"no, no no!" Mal shot up from her seat and started pacing the room with a hand on her forehead, panicking slightly.

"Maverick is Mal's younger brother. They haven't spoken in years, they never got along so he ended up packing his bags and leaving. I'm not sure if Maleficent still has contact with him, but this explains everything." Evie sighed and put her head in her hand as she just stared at Carlos, who was daydreaming in Carlos land.

"Maybe your mothers are trying to use Mal's brother to get to all of you? Since they have no other way of doing it, it explains the curse, the book, how he has access..." Ben said, as he looked at Fairy Godmother with anxiety.

"well I guess we're going to have to go confront him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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