LOST AND FOUND {chapter four

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over two years long awaited!! It feels good to be back...! I've re-read my stories and wow I loved the drama 🤣 I'm thinking about turning things a little sour for our other friends...

Mal looked at beast and belle and sighed heavily, "we don't really have much choice do we. I think we can all agree that Fairy Godmother is the only one who could fix this." she put her head in her hands as Evie put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"we'll sort it out Mal..he'll be okay."

Mal turned back to Evie and gave her a small smile, she took Evie's hand and gave Belle and Beast a goodbye nod as they got up and left the room, on a venture for Fairy Godmother.
Carlos and Jay made their way back towards the Tourney field- as everyone just stood and stared, including the people on the bleachers. Carlos bit his lip nervously and just looked up at Jay who gave him an awkward smile and put an arm on his shoulder.

"what was that?! Carlos! off the pitch, now!" shouted coach from a distance, making sure not to cross the marked lines on the ground.

Jay pulled an awkward grin at coach and slapped Carlos' back, as Carlos made his way off the pitch and Jay got back into position.

"what was that?! we're in the middle of a game, you can't just run off whenever you want!" bellowed coach, degrading Carlos.

"I'm sorry, there-there was a dog." stuttered Carlos, still on edge from being chased.

Coach rolled his eyes and sighed heavily
"get.back.on." he said as he pointed back towards the pitch, shaking his head at Carlos as he watched him jog his way there.

"what is going on today? it feels like some sort of a crazy dream.." whispered Carlos to Jay.

Jay was about to reply to Carlos when he got a shooting pain down through his head, he fell to his knees and grasped his head in pain.

"Jay? are you ok?" Carlos asked, bending down next to him, putting an arm on his shoulder.

Jay squinted his eyes shut, quickly got up and shook it off.
"yeah I'm fine dude, why are you asking?" Jay said in a rather unfriendly tone of voice while looking at Carlos strangely.

"You just-nevermind." Carlos sighed as he lifted his bat up, ready to run.

"get out of my space man." Jay snapped as he shoved Carlos slightly more to his side.

Carlos stumbled over and looked at Jay with a confused look on his face and just decided to brush it off as he thought Jay just wasn't feeling great.

The whistle blew and both of the boys started running, the ball was hit across the pitch from the opposite team, Chad then caught it and hit it to Ben, who sprinted across the other side of the pitch and through the kill zone, ducking and diving as he did, Carlos and Jay both got ready to catch the ball as Ben was getting ready to hit it as he left the kill zone, he hit the ball as hard as he could and the ball flew over the opponents heads and towards Carlos, Carlos lifted his bat up ready to hit it right before Jay jumped in front of him and tried to catch the ball but instead missed it and it flew straight into Carlos, sending him to the ground in pain and then coach blew the whistle.

"you ok Carlos?" Ben asked running over to him and looking down at him, offering him a hand.

"yeah, I'm fine." Carlos replied, taking ben's hand and pulling himself up.

"what the hell was that?!" Jay pushed Carlos away from Ben and got into his face, towering over him slightly.

"what do you mean? you got in my way?" Carlos replied, backing away slightly but then slowly getting infuriated as he moved more towards Jay and got into his face too.

"you cost us a point!" Jay snapped, shoving Carlos back as hard as he could.

Carlos stumbled backwards, almost falling over but then catching his balance, then squaring up to Jay.
"what's your problem dude?!"

"what's my problem? what's your problem!" Jay shouted, swinging a fist at Carlos.

Carlos ducked Jay's first punch and immediately swung back, catching Jay in the jaw.

Jay quickly clenched the side of his face and stared at Carlos, before taking the last swing and almost catching Carlos in the face, but instead getting pulled back by coach and Carlos getting pulled back by Ben.

"both off you off the pitch, now!" Coach screamed, pointing them both in opposite directions off the pitch.

"what was that?!" Carlos shouted to himself as Ben dragged him off the pitch, then sitting him down.

"I don't know.. I have no idea what's going on, you seem different and so does Jay."

Carlos looked at Ben, "seem different? He's always been like this. nothings changed in the slightest." Carlos rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, huffing and puffing.

Ben went to reply back to Carlos but caught a glimmer of green in his eyes, sort of like an overlay. "Carlos.. have your eyes, uh-"

"have my eyes always what?"

"been gr-nevermind. I think we need to go see Fairy Godmother."


sorry this was such a short chapter! trying to get back into it 🤣 I wonder what's going on with Jay now 🙈

leave suggestions below! <3

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