rotten roots of the isle {chapter 3

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everyone was in a panic about Carlos, this wasn't like him and nothing like this had ever happened, so nobody had any clue on what to do.

"what do we do?" Uma said as she looked down at Carlos, moving some hair from his face then looking back at Evie and Jay, while Mal went to get Fairy Godmother.

"I-I have no idea." Ben said quietly as he continued to try and wake Carlos up, soon seeing him move ever so slightly.

"Carlos?" Jay rushed forward, as did Evie, then bending down and watching the young boy.

Mal soon burst through the door with Fairy Godmother and Jane, both of them with panic written all over their faces.

"Carlos?!" Jane gasped in shock, covering her mouth then looking at Evie.
"what happened?!"

"I-I don't know." Evie said in her quiet, soft tone, then wrapping an arm around Jane to comfort her, as Jane was Carlos' girlfriend.

Fairy Godmother instantly rushed over to Carlos who was still laid on the ground, out. She soon felt his forehead and looked back at Mal.

"can you grab me a cold rag sweetie?" she looked over the six standing behind her, peeking over her shoulder to see what was happening.

Mal quickly found an old cloth and damped it under the sink, then passing it to Fairy Godmother who was checking him over.

"he'll be okay, he just needs rest and a lot of comfort and support at the moment." she said with a sad, but warm smile as she waved her wand about peacefully, putting a small spell on Carlos.

"it'll help him, but for the meanwhile take him to bed and somebody needs to stay with him." she sighed as she looked down at the boy and turned to the six.

"I'll stay here too, to make sure he's okay. but I will inform Beast and Belle of this, so we can all make sure he is okay and ensure his safety." Fairy Godmother then said as she glanced back at Carlos.

"will he be okay though?" Mal emphasised on the "will" as she looked down at Ben who was also watching Carlos.

"yeah he should be." Ben replied then got up and walked over to Mal, wrapping his arm around her.

Carlos slowly started to mumble quietly under his breath as his eyes slowly fluttered open and he was looking at the roof, then groaning in pain as he had absolutely no idea what had happened and all he could make out to say was random words and phrases, his speech slurring.

Uma looked at the group strangely then looked down at him "hey, hey Carlos?" she shook him softly "whats "Dude?""

Carlos then came back to reality rather rapidly and realised he was laying on the floor, his head pounding. He reached his hand up and rubbed his eye as he saw a few people crowding around him and he jolted up straight away.
"what happened?! where the hell am I?" he blurted as he tried to get up but Fairy Godmother instantly sat him back down.
"don't get up yet honey, we don't want you hurting yourself." she said softly.

Carlos' memory started coming back and he slowly remembered what had happened and repeated-
"dude, dude! guys!, Dude's in trouble!" his eyes darted around for the furry creature but there wasn't a paw in sight, then noticing a bruise on the side of Jay's face, instantly becoming concerned.

Mal and Ben looked at them all "we're going to leave you guys so you can have some peace and quiet, okay?" Mal exclaimed as she looked at the small group.

"we'll be down the hall if you need us" Ben have Carlos a small smile and nodded as the two walked out of the room and shut the door behind them.

"im gonna go find Gil and Harry y'all, they'll help us find the dog." Uma stated as she quickly turned to leave the room and ran down the halls, calling for the two boys.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now