ᥴ᥅ꪊꫀꪶꪶꪖ'ᦓ ᥇ꪖᥴᛕ {final chapter

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Evie gasped as she panned the mirror across to them all, all of their eyes widening.

"but I was just there-" Ben started, before he sprinted out of the room as fast as he could, headed towards Auradon prep where his office was.

"cmon, let's go. you ready?" Mal asked as she looked at Carlos who was fiddling with his fingers.

"yeah." he mumbled quietly, all of them soon sprinting out of the room also and across the front lawn of the Castle which was pretty much half a mile long, then across to Auradon prep where everyone was out and enjoying the sun as it was quite a warm day. Picnics laid all around, as did people, along with Doug, Lonnie, Uma, Harry, Audrey, Chad and Gil, who all waved a quick hello but confusion came over them as they looked at the seven, as they were all looking like they were running a marathon.

Ben quickly burst through the doors of the school and sprinted up the 3 flights of stairs to his office, which was laid in the centre of the school, right at the very top, of course it was the nicest room. The others soon caught up as Carlos was the last to get to the room, all of them suddenly bursting through the door after Ben and standing their guard, until they realised there was no sign of Cruella.

Ben looked around in confusion, looking at Jane weirdly who was also pacing the room, looking for any clues.
"where is she?" Jane asked, lifting up a book off Ben's desk to read the blurb of it.

"I-I don't know." Carlos stuttered as he looked over at Evie who pulled her mirror out of her pocket and began speaking to it, the six of them including Dude huddling around her in a big group.

"Mirror mirror in my hand, where does Cruella De Vil currently stand?" she asked, holding it with both hands as she stood her ground cautiously.

the mirror began to show Ben's office again, all of them watching it closely until they all eventually pulled their eyes from it and looked out of the window.

"I don't understand, where is she?" Dude asked as he whimpered, standing close to Carlos' leg in fear.

They all looked at each other with confused faces until they smelt a strong odor coming from the side of the room, they all turned to find Cruella towering over them, her perfume strong as night, instantly stinking the entire room out.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked to Carlos who picked Dude up and backed away from Cruella, cowering in a corner as she approached him.

"my little Carlos, so grown up." she mumbled to herself, stroking his cheek with her blood red nails, smirking to herself as she held Mal's spell book tight in her hand, Mal's eyes set on it. Mal tried to reach for it but Cruella quickly pulled her hand away and cast a spell, causing Carlos to instantly stir and fall to the ground, dropping Dude out of his arms.

"dude!" Jane shouted, picking the dog up as she watched Carlos with a tear in her eye.

Cruella cackled to herself as she watched Carlos pull himself up rather quickly, sitting back against the wall and grabbing his hair and pulling it as hard as he could to fight the pan, his eyes soon landing on Jay who was cracking his knuckles nervously.

Ben held all of the girls back as he nodded at Jay, Jay nervously stepping forward as he got closer to Carlos, and Carlos straight away going for him, trying to throw punches but he kept consciously flashing in and out of the spell, causing him to pull his fist away then put it back, over and over again.

"cmon then." Jay grabbed Carlos' arms and tried to put them behind his back, Carlos' getting madder by the second as the spell became stronger and he threw Jay off of him, making his way towards him before they all ushered each other out of the room as quick as they could, locking the door behind themselves and Carlos launching towards it, smacking his head and holding it in pain as he looked at his mother who was laughing at him, holding the book up in front of his face.

"come and get it then, Carlos." she smirked as she kept reading different spells out, causing loads of different things to happen at once, Carlos once again pulling at his hair as he was in literal pain.

"MAKE IT STOP!" he practically screamed to himself, trying his best to fight it until he found the nerves and strength to get up and go for his mom, aggressively shoving her back into the wall so she fell to the ground, causing her to stumble and drop the book then look at Carlos with slight fear in her eyes.

"you just played yourself at your own game." he said to himself and smirking before getting up and the others bursting through the room, Mal quickly grabbing the book and flicking through it, carefully reading the spells until she found the correct one and cast it, causing Carlos' curse to break completely, they all kept their eyes on him as Jay quickly rushed over to him and grabbed him before he fell to the ground, he then laid him down and felt his forehead.

"Carlos?" they all said as they continued to shake him until he woke up, Ben making his way over to Cruella who was in shock that she didn't actually succeed. "Time for a little trip home." he said sarcastically, then sending in guards.

"Ben!" Dude shouted as they struggled to get Carlos awake, Ben glanced down at Carlos to see him still asleep on the ground, no movement. no nothing.

"Carlos? wake up.." Evie felt his forehead "he's freezing cold." her eyes filled with worry, Jay then rushing over and shaking him.

"dude, wake up!" you could hear the panic in Jay's voice as he looked around desperately for help, everyone rushing around to find things to calm the situation, Carlos soon coming around and looking at everyone strangely.

"why's everyone crowding around me?" he laughed slightly, not remembering what had happened.

"uhh, your mum?" Jay grunted slightly, in confusion.

"I have no idea what your talking about." he laughed softly, as he went to get up and everyone instantly rushing to his aid "what? man you guys are paranoid, I'm fine."

everyone looked at each other and soon relaxed, Mal placing a hand on his shoulder and laughing. "best keep it that way." she smiled at him, and they all eventually left the small office, Carlos going back to his and Jay's dorm to get some rest and Ben abandoning Cruella back on The Isle.
It was an early Tuesday afternoon and they were all sat on the lawns of the school grounds, having a picnic, Jay and Lonnie, Mal and Ben, Evie and Doug, and Jane and Carlos, along with Dude of course.

They were all sitting talking while eating sandwiches and drinking cider from their cups, until Carlos began to speak.
"dude I had this weird dream last night, it was as if my mother tried to possess me and take over the world, how strange would that be." he laughed while biting into a sub.

Everyone gave each other looks then awkwardly laughed at Carlos.

"yeah, how strange would that be." Jane shook her head and chuckled as she rest her head on his shoulder and warmly smiled to herself.

thanks for reading this y'all, I hope u enjoyed it hehe. please leave plots below!!:)

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now