rotten roots of the isle {chapter 1

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{watch video before reading this chapter:)}
⚠️a bit of a tw⚠️

the four descendants were lined up, as they stood in front of the gates to Auradon and looked across the bridge.

"do you ever miss them?" Evie said calmly, as they all were joined hands and she looked over at Mal and Jay.

"do you think that they ever miss us?" Mal looked back at Evie and Carlos then chuckled, smiling lightly.

Carlos laughed softly "yeah. of course." he glanced over at the three and smiled warmly.

"cause we're rotten-" Mal started as she put her fist in the middle of the line they had formed.

"to the core" Evie, Jay and Carlos joined in, putting their fists in the middle and chucking softly, as soft tears formed in their eyes.

Carlos broke the silence and started "Hey, last one over the bridge-"

"is a rotten apple!" they all shouted and started racing each other from Auradon and across the bridge, them all giggling as they did so. They kept racing and racing until they reached The Isle, all of them stopping when they got to the barrier and realising how far they had came. They all glanced at each other nervously, while Carlos cleared his throat awkwardly and fiddled with his fingers.

The four never had a good childhood at The Isle, their parents tended to mistreat them, not always physically but mentally it destroyed them. As their parents were all villains they didn't bring their children up with fair play and kindness, more hatred and how to be vicious but all of them took the other end of that in the end, luckily.

They all had it rough as kids, but especially Jay and Carlos, the girls followed more into their parents footsteps whereas Jay and Carlos tried to avoid it but everytime they avoided it, the evil grew stronger around them. Jafar had never treated Jay right since he was about 10, since the boy brought home his first lamp. Of course, Jafar being Jafar thought that he could whisk a genie out of it, he tried rubbing the lamp and he kept trying and trying, constantly getting his hopes up until he realised that it was just a plain old ordinary lamp, rising anger filled Jafar and at this point, he threw the lamp at Jay, so hard that it left Jay unconscious for hours. Jafar didn't care, he thought his son was a massive disappointment for not getting him what he wanted and in Jafar's words, "needed."
that was until around two years ago, Jafar learned to accept that he would probably never find a lamp with a genie inside, instead he made Jay steal anything and practically everything he could find. The day he brought home the lamp, the day they were all headed to Auradon, Jay brought back another lamp and Jafar once again got his hopes up, Carlos was the only one who knew what Jay's father was like, and because everyone was there, Jafar couldn't do anything to Jay, but boy if he could've, he definitely would have.

Mal and Evie looked over at a paranoid Jay and Carlos who were nervously fiddling with pockets on their suits, not knowing what to do next. Evie and Mal looked at each other and started walking into the barrier, and into the isle. leaving the two boys stood there.

Carlos waited until the girls were ahead and looked at Jay "Jay, for once I can actually say I'm scared." his hands were shaking nervously as he tried to hide it by putting them in his pockets.

Jay glanced over at Carlos and wrapped an arm around his shoulder "yeah, me too. but we don't have to go if you don't want to" he looked down at the smaller boy as Carlos chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around Jay too.

"I mean, what could go wrong..right?" Carlos' chuckled quietly, his eyes darting around, feeling like somebody was watching him, he eventually shouted the girls.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖓𝖊/ Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now